Page 99 of Training His Pet



“How’s it going?” Dax rubbed Erika’s shoulders. She’d been working all afternoon in her office, typing away on her laptop without breaking for lunch.

“Just finishing it.” She tapped a few more keys and stretched her fingers out. “Done.”

“Want me to read it?” he asked. She often used him to double-check any article she wrote for the lifestyle magazines. Danny wasn’t up for fact checking kink articles, and Dax didn’t mind at all.

“Not now, maybe tomorrow? I’m done with work for the afternoon. I have two interviews tomorrow that are going to take up most of my day.”

“You’re working too much,” Dax said, kissing her neck again. She’d taken on freelance work with the kink magazines and blogs, as well as taken a small column in theEaglegazette.

“Once I have the permanent position with the gazette, I can slow down,” she promised.

“Hmm. I heard the same thing before you got the permanent position with Positively Sexy, and then again when you said once you were able to get a steady freelance with the gazette. I’m not sure there’s an end in sight here, pet.” He reached over her shoulder and closed the laptop.

She twisted in her chair to look up at him with wide, curious eyes—same as usual. He would never get used to it or tired of it.

“Stanley said there’s an editor position opening up soon. I want it.”

He chucked her chin with his knuckles. “Then you’ll work your ass off and get it. And then we can chase your next goal, together. But right now, you’re done for the day.” He stepped away from her and gestured with his chin for her do what she knew to do.

A soft pink tinted her cheeks as she stood from her chair and peeled off the spring dress she wore. Completely nude beneath.

Working from home had benefits—for both of them.

It wasn’t often he needed to stick around the resort during the weeknights. And if he did, Erika usually popped up to hang with him or her new friends. They’d rented a small house on the outskirts of town, and as soon as she was ready to settle for good, they’d buy something permanent.

Once she was naked, she picked up her collar sitting on the corner of her desk and brought it to him. With a grin, he took it from her and placed it around her neck, watching her eyes as he finished the buckle.

“Heel,” he commanded with a snap of his fingers.

She sank down to the floor, sitting back on her heels while he pulled her leash from his back pocket and clicked it onto her collar.

“Follow.” He gave the leash a slight tug and walked her from the spare bedroom to the kitchen. He’d already gotten dinner ready, a quick pasta, but he wasn’t interested in food at the moment.

“I think my pet needs something to help her relax.” He walked through the kitchen to the living room where a large pillow was kept by the couch for her. “Lay,” he ordered.

She glanced up at him briefly then moved onto the pillow. But instead of obeying his command, she pressed her face to the pillow, raised her ass high in the air and wiggled at him.

He chuckled. “My pet wants her pussy played with?”

She stopped, paused a long moment then slowly began to wiggle again.

“Ah, I see. Pet wants her ass fucked?”

She nodded and scooted back at him.

His hands were already working his zipper. She’d taken his cock in her ass and now she couldn’t get enough, it seemed. Worked well enough for him, seeing her ass suck his dick in and hearing her mewls as he rode her made it hard for him to hold his load long enough to bring her to climax first.