Page 89 of Training His Pet

“I’m sorry about your brother,” she said when the silence stretched.

“He’s a grown man. I have to let him make his own mistakes.”

“That doesn’t really sound like something you would do,” she teased.

“Not with you, no. You are different.” He kissed her head.

She pushed off his chest and lined up her gaze with his.

“What?” he asked when she remained silent. She blinked, needing the moment to gather steam. “Erika, what is it?” he laughed.

“I never really thanked you for taking care of me. I mean, I know it turned out to be a bunch of bullshit, but still, you didn’t know that. You just picked up your life and took me—a stranger—to a safe place.” She straddled his lap and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “And not just thank you... what I’m trying to say... I love you, Dax,” she whispered and placed her head on his chest. Her body blanketed his own.

Dax wrapped his arms round her, holding her tight to him. “I love you too, Erika.” He hugged her tighter. “I didn’t think that was possible again... and I know it’s fast... but I do.”

She let out a long breath.

“Do you still need that wine?” he asked softly, turning to his side and depositing her on hers.

She brushed a hair from her face and grinned. “No. I just need you.”

He smiled. “Good, cuz I’m too tired to put pants on.”

She laughed. “You and me both.”

Her phone dinged from the other room, but she ignored it. Everything she needed was right there with her in bed.

Chapter Thirty


“You must be Dax.” A cheery voice drew Dax’s attention from the coffeemaker. He looked up to see a woman he’d not met standing in the kitchen doorway in fuzzy pajamas bottoms and a loose t-shirt.

“Yeah. I hope you’re Christy,” he smiled at her. “Because I have no idea how to use this thing.” He dropped the lid of the coffeemaker down and gave up.

She laughed. “It’s really old. I’ll make some coffee. I assume since you’re here that’s Erika in the shower?” She hooked a finger toward the hall.