Page 85 of Training His Pet

Dax scribbled his name on the dotted line and threw the pen down. “Done.” He managed to keep his voice from breaking, but it didn’t stop his insides from twisting. He was walking away. Toward something, but still, he’d be leaving his brother behind.

Corbin picked up the papers. “The money will be wired by this afternoon.”

“What happens when this all goes sideways? When the Feds catch up to him and drag you down, too?” Dax asked.

Corbin swallowed. “If that happens, I’ll deal with it.”

A dark cloud formed over Dax. It was done. His brother had sealed his own fate, and nothing Dax said or did would change his mind.

“That little reporter of yours,” Joey said when Dax turned to leave. “It would be best she not stick her nose into this. Bad press isn’t good for business.”

Dax glanced at Corbin then turned his focus to Joey. “You so much as breathe near her, your little thugs aren’t going to be able to protect you.”

Joey widened his smile, though the sentiment didn’t touch his eyes. “I have no problems with her, so long as she keeps her pen and ink away from my family.”

“So afraid of a reporter?”

“No. Just annoyed by overreaches,” Joey said with a hard tone. “Keep her away from this place.”

Dax wouldn’t argue the point; he wouldn’t let her near it.

“Good luck on your new business.” Dax eyed his brother once more. The boy he’d seen, the innocent young kid who needed protecting faded away to the corrupt, lost man he’d become. “You know my number if you need me.” And with that, Dax walked out of his brother’s office and out of the club.

Leaving behind his past, he turned his car toward Erika’s apartment, toward his future.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Don’t get into any trouble tonight,” Erika grinned at Christy as she gathered up her purse and keys.

“Trouble is your thing, not mine,” Christy laughed. “Besides, it’s just a date. Dinner and a comedy club. Which I’m not sure about.”


“I’m always afraid someone in the audience will heckle. And then it’s awkward.” Christy dropped her keys into her clutch and snapped it shut.

“You worry about the weirdest things,” Erika chuckled and opened the cabinet to grab a wineglass. Dax had been gone all day without a word. She needed something to help relax her while she kept waiting.