“Teasing? Again?” Devin walked into the front hall with a knowing grin.
“C’mon, Erika, help me in the kitchen.” Kara slid past Devin with her ass turned away from him and hooked Erika by the elbow, dragging her off down the hall.
“She’s easy to get riled.” Dax followed Devin into the living room.
“Quick to temper, too.” Devin shook his head. “Some things don’t change.”
The front door opened again, and Trevor stepped inside, followed by his wife.
“Hey, Devin. Dax.” Addison smiled at them.
“Kara and Erika are in the kitchen,” Devin said and Addison disappeared down the hall.
“I hope they have wine open,” she said as she trailed off.
“You’re driving,” Trevor called after her.
“I thought you were already here?” Dax asked, confused.
“I was.” He nodded. “Addison needed some help.” Trevor walked around a recliner and plopped down. “So, I got some news back from my buddy back in Chicago.”
Dax’s ears perked up. “Corbin okay?”
“He’s peachy. Everyone’s just fine.”
“What’s that mean?” Dax stepped closer.
“I don’t know really, but everything looked like usual business.”
“How can he tell that from one afternoon?” Dax asked.
“He’s been watching the Persuccio family for a while. He said nothing’s changed in the past month.”
“What about Johnny?” Dax questioned, not liking the dark rumbling in his belly.
“That guy’s not dead. He’s seen better days, has a busted nose, bruised-up face, but he’s alive, Dax.” Trevor got up from the recliner and went to the window, pushing the curtains aside. “This place is really going to start overflowing once you start having themed events.”
“Kara’s in charge of that. Whenever she feels like doing it, she’ll do it. Until then I’m happy to just let her enjoy herself,” Devin responded.
Dax shook his head. “Wait. Forget the resort for a minute. Are you telling me that the Persuccio family isn’t looking for Erika?”
Trevor turned back from the window and shrugged. “He didn’t know anything about her. And really, if all she saw was a guy getting his ass kicked, why bother?”
“She’s a journalist, wouldn’t that piss them off?” Devin asked, his hands in his pockets.
“Not sure why. They don’t care about reporters, and even if she was gonna write something, it’s a fight. Two men fought in an alley—who cares.” Trevor waved a hand.
“Why would Corbin tell me they wanted her?” Dax questioned, rubbing his jaw. “He’s not answering my calls.”
Trevor’s brow went up. “I’m not sure, Dax. But Corbin—he’s not the clean little brother you used to know.” Trevor treaded lightly with the topic, but they’d circled it before.
“I know.” Dax clenched his teeth. “He wouldn’t send me away for no reason.”
Trevor and Devin shared a look.
“He wouldn’t.”
“I don’t really know him, Dax, so I can’t say. But if Trevor’s guy is saying there’s no real danger for her, then you have to ask why would Corbin say there was? Why would he want you gone for a little while?”