Page 58 of Training His Pet

Chapter Twenty

Dax yanked her collar, dragging her forward. She stumbled but managed to follow him through the front door without falling. He led her to the bedroom.

“On the bed, all fours and scoot your ass up to the end of the bed.” He pointed at the iron-gated bed frame.

She scrambled up on the bed, not giving him an excuse to punish her. She wasn’t looking for his disapproval; she wanted his smiles, his sweet words, and at the moment, his cock.

Who knew talking about tragedy so openly could give her the peace of mind to let his wicked ways whisk her away from the past? With just his look, his understanding, and a gentle touch he’d turned a dark moment into something sweet. Something arousing. And now something exhilarating.

“Scoot back, pet.” He tapped her ass. She crawled backward until her ass hit the bars of the footrest.

She watched him go back to the box he’d left on the dresser the day before and pull out two bunches of hemp rope.

She should have peeked in the box after waking up from her nap, instead of going to look for him. It had been strange to wake up so rested and the first thought she’d had was wondering where he was.

He stalked behind her, the ropes gripped in one fist and his intense stare on her while he moved out of her line of sight. She turned her head more, craning to see him over her shoulder. Once he was directly behind her, he dropped the bundling of rope on the mattress.

Reaching through the bars of the footboard, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and hauled her back further until her ass pressed against the iron bars. Silently, he picked up one small bundle of rope. As he unraveled it, the ends thumped the carpeting.

“Ass up high, pet, one leg against each rail.” He slipped his hand between her thighs and swatted at them until she maneuvered herself into the position he wanted. When he stopped, the sting spread up her thighs to her pussy.

The rope ran along her skin, wrapping around her thigh. Another hard tug and she was completely against the iron, feeling the cool touch against her hot skin. He pulled the rope around her thigh, looping it several times before working the ends into a knot.

“Dax...” She tugged her leg forward; she wasn’t going anywhere.

“One more, sweet girl,” he said and pulled her free thigh against the rails and completed the bondage. Bound and spread for him, she wouldn’t be going anywhere without his help.

The tail brushed her pussy, sending a soft shiver through her. She wiggled a bit to make it happen again, enjoying the little thrill of getting some pleasure on her own while he stood over her.

“You like your little tail?” he asked, petting her ass. He picked it up and flicked it over her back. “There, now it’s out of my way.”

She took a raspy breath and pressed her forehead to the bed. His zipper lowered and his jeans shuffled to the floor.

Taking another peek, she lost what little breath she had. She’d already gotten used to his sculpted torso, the abs, the shoulders, the arms, and all the beautiful black ink designs that marked him. So, seeing him fully nude shouldn’t have knocked the breath from her. But it did. There wasn’t an inch of him that didn’t portray his strength. But her gaze was drawn to his cock. Thick and hard, ready to fuck her.

She whimpered and closed her eyes.

He chuckled. “I think my little pet is hungry. Make that sound again, let me know how much you want this.” His hand cupped her sex, pressing the heel of his palm against her entrance.

Another whimper escaped her. Want wasn’t the right word; it didn’t even begin to broach the right feeling she had at the moment. Need, desire, all too weak to describe the burning inside her craving extinguishing.

“Fuck, I love that sound.”

His hand left her, and she swirled her head to see him. He had a condom in his hands, tearing through the packaging. She watched his hands grip his cock and roll the condom over the head then down the shaft. It shouldn’t be so damn erotic watching a man put on a damn condom.

He dropped the wrappings to the floor and squatted behind her. His face, level with her pussy. She tensed.

“Soften up, sweet girl.” He petted her pussy. His fingers ran over her lips over and over again.