Page 52 of Training His Pet

Chapter Eighteen

Erika crawled backinto the bedroom behind Dax. He seemed to like leading her, and if the empty ache in her pussy was any indication, she loved it too.

Since the moment she woke up in the crate, her body had craved his touch. When she’d crawled in the night before she had thought he was just making a point. That he could keep her in there if he wanted. But he had left her all night. What shook her, though, was how easily she’d fallen asleep. She hadn’t even woken up during the night.

“Heel,” he said, pointing to the floor next to the bed. She sat back on her feet and watched him move around the room. Some things had been delivered to the cabin the night before, but she hadn’t had a chance to see what any of it was and he hadn’t told her.

He put a box on the dresser and worked the lid open, pulling out a few items she couldn’t see. After a few minutes of loud plastic crinkling he left the mess on the dresser and made his way to the bed, sitting down in front of her.

He held up a small bottle of lubrication in one hand, and a long beige furry-tailed butt plug in the other.

Instinctively, she pulled away, scooting her knees back from the bed.

“Erika,” his voice warned.

“I’ve never—not back there.” She shook her head. The idea didn’t repulse her, and she’d wondered what it was like, but seeing it right in front of her, the size, the width. It wouldn’t work. He’d tear her in half.

“There’s always a first time.”

“If I say no?” She forced her gaze away from the tail up to his face.

“Then no reward.” He shrugged, like he couldn’t care less. But he wanted it. She could see it in the dark hue of his brown eyes. In the way his neck muscles bunched. He may have just come, but he was still hungry.

She eyed the plug again.

“Will it hurt?”

“At first it will uncomfortable.” He didn’t sound put off by that at all. If anything, it probably made him more eager to put her through it.

“You want it to hurt,” she accused softly.

His lips curled at the edges. “Your discomfort is beautiful to me, yes. I’ll never hurt you though, Erika. Not real hurt. Not where it counts.”

Warmth spread up from her stomach at his words. She wasn’t sure it was true. How could he promise that? Could she actually believe it?

She swallowed back the fear, but more than that she wanted to push away the past. The worries, the doubts. She wanted to believe him, wanted to have faith it would work.

“Okay.” She moved her attention back to his eyes. The approval shining back at her, the pride that she hadn’t shied away from the task beaming at her, made her kneel straighter. She rolled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. She could do this.

She would do this.

“Okay, turn around and press your cheek to the floor. Just like yesterday, but you don’t have to wiggle your ass at me.” He grinned.

She did as he asked, lowering her face to the carpeting and pressing her cheek to it. Her fingers curled into the carpet and her toes clenched behind her, but she lifted her ass high in the air.

The pop of the lubrication bottle opening had her clenching more than just her toes though.

“Don’t tighten up, it will make it harder on yourself.” He slapped her ass. She jumped from the sudden sensation.