Page 48 of Training His Pet

Maybe he had cooled off a bit.

Maybe they’d be able to go home sooner than he’d thought.

“Dax?” Erika’s soft voice came from the bedroom.

He buttoned up his jeans and headed toward the sound of her voice.

“I’m here,” he said, entering the room.

She knelt at the door of the crate, her fingers wrapped around the thin bars. Her wide eyes looked up at him. She wasn’t frightened by him. Curious though. Not like she had been with Addison; she wasn’t fishing. She was just unsure of what came next. Maybe the night in the crate had done her some good.

It had been a hell of night trying to fall asleep with her curled up in the crate. Her bare ass had been pointed at him, and he had to get himself in check. Otherwise he would have slipped his arm through the bars and started petting the pretty pussy facing him. He’d fallen asleep as hard as a man could get.

“Sleep okay?” he asked, moving down to his haunches.

“I actually did.” She yawned softly. “I was surprised.”

He slipped his hand through the bars and touched her cheek. “It’s going to be a long day for you, Erika.”

Her brow wrinkled. “Why?”

“Today’s training day.”

“What does that mean?” Her lids narrowed; the suspicion, the curiosity overruled any trepidation she may have had at his words.

“It means we’re not leaving the cabin today. You’re not going to be up at the dungeons and you’re not going to be working on anything other than experiencing everything I have you experience.” He pulled the handle of the door upward, unlocking it.

“You’re still upset about last night?” she asked, eyeing the opened door. It wasn’t a trick, but she could easily see it as one. If she crawled out before he called her, she might be punished. If she didn’t, she was accepting her place in the crate.

“I wasn’t upset.” He pushed up to his feet. “Come.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot on the carpet at his feet. She glanced at the spot then up at him.

“I already said I was sorry. I slept in the cage like you said.” She shook her head, not taking a step out onto the carpet.

“This isn’t a punishment, Erika. We agreed the story you’d work on was your reaction to being a pet. My pet. And in order to be my pet, you need to learn how. Now.” He snapped again. “Come.”

She licked at her lips, uncertainty still playing in her eyes.

Leaning forward, she went to her hands and knees and crawled out of the crate, moving toward him until she reached his hand.

“Heel,” he commanded in a low voice. Dominance didn’t need to be yelled; a soft yet firm tone would get the message across. He was in charge.

She sat back on her heels, pressing her hands into her knees. Without any clothes on her, he could easily see her body react to his commands. Her nipples pebbled into hard peaks and with a quick glance between her legs he could make out the swell of her pussy. She wanted his touch—and he’d give it once her basic needs were taken care of.

He left her for a moment to retrieve the collar from his nightstand. He’d kept it just in case she gave him trouble during the night and he needed to tether her to the crate. But she’d fallen asleep so easily, so soundly once the gate had been locked, he hadn’t needed to bother.

Dax kept his gaze locked on hers while he took the few steps back to her and squatted down in front of her. The wide-eyed curiosity warmed into uncertainty.

“You can do this, sweet girl.” He slid the stiff leather around her neck and worked the buckle. Over time the leather would become worn and not as rough against her soft skin.

He ran a finger along the inside of the collar against her neck, making sure the snug fit wasn’t too much.

“You need to use the bathroom?” he asked, forcing himself to keep the devil’s grin from creeping up.

She looked at the door and nodded.

Dax dragged her hair from her face with his fingertips, tucking the thick strands behind her ears. “Okay, then.”

He got back up to his feet and snatched the rolled-up lead he’d left on the nightstand. Again, her eyes went wide. The soft blush burned bright and a clear shimmer of tears built in her eyes.