She followed him to the aisle the sales boy had told him about for the leashes and a new sense of dread seeped into her skin.
Dax plucked a thick black leather collar from the hook and inspected it. “I like this one,” he said. “Hold these.” He handed her the bowls and used both hands to work the collar around her neck.
“Dax!” She tried to pull back, but he already had her trapped.
“Stay.” He pointed a finger at her, then pressed it to her nose. “Stay.”
She swallowed back a whimper, feeling the hot tingles run down her body again. If she didn’t burst into ashes, she’d be a puddle of goo on the floor soon.
He inspected the fit and grinned. “Yes. I like it.”
She turned her head to the side, expecting to feel choked off, but she didn’t. He hadn’t buckled it too tight at all.
“There’s a cute—”
“This is the one,” he said, unbuckling it and pulling it free of her neck. “You don’t always get to have a say,” he explained with a tap to her nose again.
She nodded and held the bowls tighter to her chest.
He made quick work of grabbing a thin leather leash. “Okay, let’s go pay.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Good girl,” he whispered and took the bowls from her hands. “Would you like to wait in the car?”
“Yes.” She nodded immediately.
He chuckled.
“Okay.” He fished out the keys from his pocket and handed them to her. “Since you were so good, I’m going to pick a toy out for you. It’ll be a surprise.”
Her toes curled inside her gym shoes. “Dax—”
“Go on.” He gave her a slap to her ass. It wasn’t loud enough for the teenager at the front to hear, but she’d felt it, she’d known he was getting her moving by spanking her and she quickly stepped away from him. Because if he did it again, she’d really lose herself in the pit of arousal he’d started to shove her down the entire trip.
She hurried down the main aisle, feeling his gaze heating her backside.
“Have a good one,” the boy at the register called.
She waved.
“Yeah, you too.” He probably heard the crack in her voice, but she didn’t dwell.
“Just this stuff. Thanks.” She heard Dax’s deep voice say as she pushed the doors open and she hurried with as much dignity as she could muster to the car.
Once inside the car, she pressed both hands to her face.
“Holy fuck. What have I gotten myself into?”