Page 39 of Training His Pet

“Hey!” Trevor jumped back from the door when Dax opened it.

“Shit, man,” Dax laughed and pushed the screen door open to step out.

“I was just about to knock,” Trevor said.

“Still working?” Dax pointed at Trevor’s sheriff uniform.

“Yeah, Addison’s working at the main house for a bit. Figured I’d stop and see how you were doing while I was here.”

“Can’t stand to be away from her for one whole shift?” Dax tried to force a skeptical laugh, but in the pit of his stomach he held the desire to have exactly what Trevor and Addison had.

“Not even if I tried,” Trevor laughed and leaned against the front porch railing. “So, how’s she holding up?” he asked.

“She’s more concerned about her story than her safety, but at least she’s willing to wait until Joey calms down before going back to the city.” Dax dragged his hand through his hair.

“You’re taking a liking to her,” Trevor accused with a grin.

“She’s good looking, smart, funny—I’m not dead inside, you know.” Dax scrunched up his face. Just because he had no plans to relive the horrors of his marriage didn’t mean he didn’t still want a woman.

“Is she still set on chasing after the Persuccio family for a story?”

“Yeah. She was going to try and get Devin to help connect her with someone back home that could get her some information.”

Trevor laughed and slapped his stomach. “Oh, I sorta wish you’d let her so I could watch.”

Dax grinned. “Yeah, that would be funny. But then I’d have to deal with the fallout. Besides, your brother is doing us a big favor letting us hide out here for a while. I’m not unleashing her curiosity on him.”

“You better watch her then, I’m sure she’s going to try to corner him first chance she gets. If she’s anything like you make her sound,” Trevor commented.

“She’s being watched, don’t worry.” Dax waved a hand. “If I remember right, Devin has a bunch of equipment to rent out to the guests, right?”

Trevor’s brow lifted. “Yeah? Why?”

“I’m gonna need a few things.”

Chapter Fourteen