She swallowed again. His fingers brushed her nipple, just before grabbing hold and twisting.
“Because you met me.” He captured her mouth beneath his just as she cried out from the burn on her breast.
He released her at the same time he pulled back from the kiss, leaving her in a tranced fog. “Now. I told you to rest on the bed I made for you.” He stood to his full height. “I can take you there myself, but you won’t like it.”
She stared up at him. He hadn’t changed his mind about that?
“I can see you need more training in obedience than I thought. It could be because you don’t think I mean it, or because you aren’t sure you really want to find out how much you love being a good pet for me. But it doesn’t matter. You’ll learn to obey. And you’ll learn how good it is when you do.”
Why couldn’t he touch her? To feel the warmth of his hand on her shoulder, or running through her hair, would make the moment easier.
Sensing, his position of getting her to obey without his encouragement wasn’t shifting, she nodded.
“Okay.” She tried to stand up, but he hadn’t backed up. “Dax, you have to move.” She smiled at him.
“You had your chance to use your feet. Now you crawl.” He stood to his full height with his arms folded and his glare set on her.
Dread sank into her chest with the knowledge that although she may not be getting another spanking for what she’d done, she was still being taught a lesson.
Erika slid from the bed to the floor, on her hands and knees.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, leaning down and skimming his hand over her head. The rush of pleasure running from her head to her toes stunned her into taking the first step toward the door. “Wait,” he said and touched her shoulder. She paused, leaning back until her ass pressed against her heels.
“Stay here.” He pointed a finger at her and rushed out of the room. Her stomach clenched when he returned with his belt in his hand.
He squatted down in front of her, bringing his dark eyes level with her curious gaze. “It’s not always a source of punishment, Erika,” he said with ease.
He slid the leather strap around her neck and pushed the end through the buckle. Pulling it taut, he held up the slacked leather in his hand. “I don’t have a proper lead for you, but this will have to do for now.”
Erika swallowed, testing the tightness of the makeshift collar. She reached up and touched the leather; tears rose to her eyes.
“It’s confusing, right? How much you like this?” He ran his thumb along her cheekbone, collecting the tear that fell. “For right now, don’t read into it.”
She swallowed again, feeling the leather pressing against her throat. He was right; she did like it. She gave him a curt nod, ready to continue.
“On all fours, I’ll take you to your bed.” He pushed up to his feet and pointed toward the door. With his hand hovering over her, holding the belt, he led her through the door and down the hall.
Her body heated with each step. When she paused, he pulled on the leash gently.
“Almost there,” he encouraged. “Chin up,” he ordered, and she realized she’d been watching the floor beneath her as she crawled through the cabin to the bed he’d made.
Raising her chin, she noticed the blankets next to the couch. He’d folded and rolled them until he made a human sized pet bed. That’s what she was—his pet.
Hot tingles ran down her spine. As though the moment the thought entered her mind, it shot the information straight through her body to her very core. Her clit came to life, throbbing for attention, a touch. By the time she reached the bed, her nipples stood erect, and every inch of her needed relief.
“Good girl.” He patted her head and led her onto bunched-up blankets. She climbed onto them, feeling the soft fabrics beneath her—a relief from the hard floor she’d crawled across.
“Heel,” he ordered and pulled back on the belt. She knelt back on her heels, assuming that’s what he wanted.
His smile, warm and approving, gave her the answer.
Squatting down in front of her again, he removed the belt from around her neck. “You did good, Erika.” He ran his thumb along her jaw. “Your pussy is aching, isn’t it?” If he hadn’t used such a deep sultry tone when he’d asked the question, she might have been able to deny the truth.
She ran her teeth over her bottom lip and answered with a soft, “Yes.”
“Since you were a good girl and crawled so sweetly for me, I’ll help you. Get on all fours again and turn around. Wiggle your ass up at me.”
A new heat flamed across her flesh. How much more could she bear before bursting into a fireball?