Page 27 of Training His Pet

“No. I want this story because it’s the only one I have until I can get home and look further into Joey Persuccio. Besides, it’s interesting. A hidden resort. These people are forced into the shadows, which is bullshit. I just want to shine the light on that.”

Dax’s jaw tightened. “You aren’t doing it.” He shook his head. “If I have to lock you up, I will; you are not taking advantage of this situation.”

She scoffed like she didn’t believe him but retreated another step. “Right. Lock me up.”

“I will, Erika. Don’t push me,” he warned.

Her eyes narrowed. “What else you gonna do? Spank me? Tie me down?”

Even with her lids lowered, he could make out the dilation of her pupils. Through her t-shirt her nipples budded to life.

“Do you want that?” He tilted his head slightly, studying her expression. Her breath shortened.

“I was just making a point.” She shook her head.

The girl was on the run, but she’d left her gates wide open. “The point that maybe you want to work this story in your head, because all of this interests you on a personal level? And the story gives you an excuse to explore?” He advanced a step.

“You’re crazy.” She blew out a hard breath, but the deep blush blooming on her cheeks gave her away.

“You’re stuck with me for at least a week. You won’t be interviewing any of the guests, but if you really want a story about what happens here, I’ll help you.” He captured her chin between his thumb and forefinger, pushing her head back and bringing his mouth close to hers. “You’re not a journalist while you’re here. You’re mine.”

She dragged in a shaky breath. “What does that mean?” The question came out in a whisper.

He grinned, feeling the energy he’d been denying himself for too long work its way into his soul. “It means you’ll obey, you’ll submit, and if you don’t, you’ll be punished.”

A tremor shot through her beneath his fingers. Was she as excited about the possibilities as he was? He’d locked away this part of him for a long time, hadn’t even played with a woman in over a year, but seeing her stare up at him with such anticipation mingled with fear made his cock steel hard.

“What if I don’t like it?” she asked, her hands pressed against his chest. He could feel her heat through his shirt.

“You’re good with words, Erika, I expect you to use them.” He tilted his head again, eyeing the arousal building in her expression beneath his stare. “So long as you’re a good pet for me, you won’t have any reason not to like it. Besides, I’m certain even when you’re being a naughty pet, you’ll love it. Either way doesn’t really matter right now. Because right now, I’m not giving you a lot of choices. Right now you only choose to be good or bad.”

Moments ticked by with her breath against his face. He stared into her eyes, watching the war between sensibility and desire play out.

He released her, wrapping his hand around her neck and clasping her head. Before she could utter a sound, he slammed his mouth over hers, taking the moment, taking her lips, and feeling the tension ease out of her as he deepened the kiss. Her fingers curled into his shirt, and he swept his tongue past her lips.

A gentle moan escaped her, and he took that from her, too. When he pulled back, he looked into her eyes.

Wild with desire and confusion, she looked up at him, her lips swollen from his claiming kiss.

“This week is about to get a lot more interesting, pet.”