“I can do it for you, but you look so good in that dress. It would be a shame to ruin it.” He cocked his head to the side, like he was rolling the idea around his mind.
She shook her head. She could do this; she would do this. They were married now. Hell, with his hungry stare on her, the little nuisance of a wedding didn’t enter into the equation.
Her body reacted the only rational way it could beneath such a powerful gaze. She went wet. The heat pooling in her belly spread lower until she could feel her pussy become slick with her arousal.
His prowess, his command, his authority had pulled a sexual need from her before, but tonight, after he was playful and sweet, she needed to touch him. To make sure he was real, that he wasn’t going to vanish into a coldhearted monster now that he’d gotten what he wanted.
He made a sound, a growl, deep in his chest, and his hands raised, but she retreated out of his reach.
“No, I will.” She grabbed the hem of the dress and yanked it over her head. In her hurry, the collar scraped her nose.
She stood before him, naked, exposed. Not for the first time, but she shuddered as though it was. Before, she’d had anger and hatred to cling to while his eyes moved over her body. Now, she was unsure of the sensations burning through her. She wanted his touch, but she wanted to hide at the same time.
He removed his suit jacket, flinging it onto the armchair in the corner. He removed his shirt without any elaborate dance, but she took in every movement. He was being gentle, soft, and it made her uncomfortable.
The jingle of his belt buckle snapped her attention to the sound. She swallowed, trying to rid herself of the Sahara Desert having moved into her throat.
He walked to her side of the bed and crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”
She obeyed without hesitation. He was holding a belt, after all, and she wasn’t trying to ruin the night by igniting his irritation. But it was more than that, it was the slight upturn of his lip when he gave the command, the way his eyes darkened one hue, the way his body—hard and rippling with strength—distracted her from the idea of disobeying.
He put a hand on her hip, sending more shudders of electricity through her. “I’m not a gentle man.” His warning came in a low, raw whisper.
She raised her hand, cupping his cheek. His jaw tensed at the touch. “You’ve never apologized for that before.”
“I’m not apologizing.” He turned his head and kissed her palm. “I’m giving you fair warning.”
She lowered her gaze. He was teasing her.
“Put out your hands.” Another order.
Again, she obeyed. She must have had too much wine at the restaurant. Compliance came too easily.
“Hold this.” He extended the belt to her. She took it, feeling the weight in her hands. She recalled how hot her ass had been, and how wet her pussy had gotten when he’d spanked her with his hand. Would his belt set her ablaze?
Erik’s lips twisted up into a devious grin, and he stepped around her, coming to stand at her back.
“You’re not a virgin, hmm? How many men have been between these thighs?” He ran his fingertips over her ass.
She clenched automatically.
“No, sweet girl, don’t tighten up on me now.” He patted her cheek. “Soften this ass for me.”
Her inhibitions were too low; she wasn’t blocking him out.
What had he asked?
Too much wine, definitely.
“How many?” he whispered into her ear.
She took her time, blinking slowly and gathering some gumption. Being a virgin might have been less humiliating than the truth.
“Don’t make me ask again.” His fingers dug into her ass, warning of what would come if she didn’t start talking.
“One,” she whispered, shame flooding her. She’d acted with such experience when he touched her, fondled her, brought her to the height of pleasure, but in reality, she’d been a fraud.
“You think that’s a bad thing?” Erik walked to the dresser and pulled the top drawer out.