Page 32 of Red

“I don’t think so. Should I?” she asked, searching Eric’s expression. His face had transformed into the blank shield again. She’d get no answers from him now.

“Erik. Good to see you.” The stranger encroached into their space and held out his hand. Erik had to drop Melinda’s in order to reciprocate.

“And you.”

The man’s dark pencil-point eyes swept over her, and she stepped closer to Erik. If the stranger continued to stare at her that way, she’d need to shower off the sleaze when they got home.

“And this is?” His head inclined toward Melinda. A warning shot up through her spine.

“This is Melinda Manaforte,” Erik stated with his hand possessively pressed against her back. “I would think you’d recognize her.”

“I do.” He turned his attention away from Melinda, and focused on Erik. “And she’ll be worth every penny I offered. I’m sure. What brings her here? I didn’t see her on the menu. Is she a late addition?”

The hair on Melinda’s neck stood at attention. This man had offered money for her. Erik could hand her over and collect the debt and be on his way. But he hadn’t. He’d offered her marriage instead.

“About the offer…” Erik began.

“Welcome, everyone, to this evening’s catalogue party!” a deep voice rang through the room, cutting off Erik’s conversation.

“We can continue negotiations later. I’m getting a drink.” The man slunk away toward the bar.

Questions burned Melinda’s tongue, but the man standing on the stage continued talking, capturing everyone’s attention. She stared at Erik while the rules and regulations of the party were listed at length. He could have been done with her already, so why hadn’t he handed her over? What game was he playing?

Why did she want to kill him one minute and sink into his strength the next?

“You’re not listening to the rules,” he muttered without casting her a glance.

“Are you going to be contracting one of these women? Is that why we’re here?”

He shook his head with a laugh. “You’re all the woman I can handle tonight.” He slid his fingers through hers, capturing her hand once again. His was so much larger than hers. It made her feel small and cradled. How could one little touch, something as innocent as hand holding, be so intense?

Finally, the announcements wrapped up, and the room came to life again. “I have to speak with someone.” Erik said.

“Do you want me to stay here?” she asked, suddenly aware if she were left alone, the men who’d been circling them for the past moments would easily swoop in like the vultures they appeared to be.

“No. You’re coming with me.” He caught the eye of the speaker and tugged her into moving. “His name is Ashland Titon. This is his house—his business.” Erik led her through the people and to the door.

She recognized the name from the greeter. This was his party.

Erik paused outside a door and ran his thumb over hers. “Behave in here, Melinda.” It was all the warning he could give before the door opened, and he escorted her inside. She didn’t need him to give much more information—she remembered what happened when she disobeyed. Her ass still had a mark across one cheek, but the pain had faded away.

“Erik.” The man who’d been talking on stage shook his hand.

“Ash,” Erik responded in kind, moving his palm to her back. “My fiancée, Melinda.”

Ash, a man who mirrored Erik’s stature, a warm greeting sort of smile probably meant to put her at ease. It didn’t. She pressed closer to Erik.

“Melinda. It’s nice to meet you.” He inclined his head, not making any move to touch her or shake her hand. How loud was Erik’s possessiveness, exactly?

“Maybe you’d be more comfortable waiting in one of my guest rooms.”

Erik’s fingers curled into her flesh. “No.”

Ash’s gaze shot back to him.

“Would you allow your wife to be parted from you in this situation?” Erik challenged.

Melinda noticed the stern set of Ash’s jaw through his thick beard.