“I’ll give you a minute, but I expect you to keep your word,” Bertucci said.
“Of course.” Nico’s forehead wrinkled.
Bertucci gave him a narrowed look before leaving them alone in the room.
“Nico.” Melinda sighed. “What’s wrong with you? Why would you do this?”
“You’re going to be fine. You have to go along with him,” Nico said, but his tone twisted with worry. He was in over his head.
“You think he’s going to just let me walk home after he does whatever he’s planning? Erik will come for him. You know that! He’s your brother!” Her fists had tightened so much, her fingers tingled.
Nico dragged both hands through his hair and settled a glare on her. His nostrils flared, and his jaw tensed. “I’m aware of who Erik is. And I’m also aware that being the youngest brother, I’ll get nothing without his fucking permission or charity.”
“Erik said you and Ian both inherited from your uncle. It wasn’t only him.” She tried to understand where all Nico’s anger came from.
“We did. Not like he did, of course, but enough I guess.” Nico nodded.
“Then what the hell is going on?”
“There’s room for more. More money, more power. All we had to do was take back what was rightfully ours, but Erik and his damn need for that fucking casino. He didn’t want to get his hands any dirtier than they already were.”
Melinda blinked several times. His words stacked on top of themselves in her brain.
“The girls you mean?”
Nico laughed. “Yeah, the girls. I have to be honest, I didn’t think he really had it in him. And Ian was giving him so much shit about it, I thought he’d cave. But he did it. Three girls, all collected, and all debts paid.” Nico rubbed the back of his neck. Maybe the tension of his own betrayal had finally worked its way into him.
“He’s never going to let Bertucci do anything to me.” As true as the statement was, she wasn’t sure if she was telling him or herself. Erik wouldn’t suspect Nico’s betrayal; he’d be looking in all the wrong places.
“Bertucci isn’t going to do anything to you,” Nico stated flatly. “You’re only the bait. Once he has what he wants, you’ll be free.”
Melinda sank onto the narrow bed, her fingers grasping the edge. “You have to know that’s not true. He can’t just let me go, Nico.”
Nico’s throat worked as he swallowed hard, his gaze flicking to the door.
“He gave me his word.”
“And how do you think this ends? If he lets me go, Erik will come at him. You get all of that, right? I’m a loose end.” Her stomach dropped several inches as the true desperation of the situation settled inside. If Erik didn’t find her in time, Bertucci would have to get rid of her.
Nico stared at her.
Moments passed in a haze of fear and understanding. There would be no going home for her if Erik didn’t find her.
“I’ll figure this out. Don’t do anything to piss Bertucci off. Don’t give him a reason to hurt you, Melinda.” Nico jerked the door open and slammed it once he was gone.
Melinda ran to the door, tugging on the handle. Of course, it was locked.
She rested her forehead on the chilled surface.
Erik would find her.
He would.
She repeated the words over and over until she sank to the floor, trying her best to believe herself.
Chapter 27
Erik flung open his front door to find Melinda’s grandmother standing on his stoop. Her eyes widened when she took him in. His immediate presence seemed to startle her nearly as much as hers did him. His gaze swept past her to the man standing behind her on the stairs. Even with the graying hair along the man’s temples and the deep wrinkles around his eyes, Erik could see the mirrored resemblance.