“Yeah.” he nodded but kept his focus in front of him. His phone dinged, and he grabbed it, swiping the screen alive. Melinda looked away, not wanting to encroach on his privacy.
“Nico!” she yelled as he drove straight through a red light.
“Fuck!” He dropped his phone and swerved to the left, missing the oncoming car by a breath.
She pressed her hand to her chest, easing her breath back into working order while Nico shoved his phone into his jeans pocket.
“Sorry about that,” he mumbled and made a left turn.
With her heart still lodged in her throat, she nodded.
“Nico.” She turned read the street signs they were passing. “This isn’t the way to the attorney’s office.”
They were outside the business section of town already. The shops transformed into apartment buildings, and the houses because more elaborate, more spaced out.
“Nico. You’re going the wrong way.” She clutched the arm rest of her door.
“It’s fine, Melinda,” he said in a detached voice.
“Nico. What’s going on? Where are we going?” She twisted around in the seat, trying to gauge where they were. The surroundings were unfamiliar. Whoever lived in the large houses they were passing had money. Lots of money.
“Nico!” She pulled out her phone and started to dial Erik, but he reached over and snatched it from her hand.
“Just be quiet and please….” He blew out a long breath. “Please do what you’re told.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
The car pulled up to a gate, and he rolled down his window. He spoke into the intercom, announcing their arrival.
“I’m not going in there.” She announced as the gate started to creak open. Running on pure instinct, she yanked the door handle. Nico’s hand fisted in her hair, and he pulled her back to him before she could get the door open.
A loudclickresounded as he engaged the lock. “Ijustsaid to do what your told. Melinda, please, don’t make this worse.”
Panic clawed its way up her throat, burning her with the severity of it. He released her hair and gave her a gentle shove.
“Be smart here, Melinda.”
Nico pulled through the open gates and drove up the winding driveway to the house. Fear blinded her to the scenery around her. When he parked, she made another attempt to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Nico.” Melinda’s eyes widened as two men in black slacks and black button-down shirts climbed down the expansive steps of the house toward the car. No smiles, no casual walk. These men were coming for her.
“Do what they say, and don’t fight them.” He opened his door and stepped out.
Behind the ogres walked Mr. Bertucci. Smug in his tailored suit, he slid his hands into his pockets and stopped on the third step from the top. Nico walked up to him, hand extended.
Her view became obstructed when the men stood in front her, one hand on the handle. Anotherclicksounded, and the door opened.
“No!” She tried to shove her way to the driver’s side to find an escape, but one large hand wrapped around her arm and yanked her forward. Another grabbed her, and she was hauled to her feet on the driveway.
“Easy boys.” Bertucci said from his stair. “No harm comes to her. Take her down below.”
“No! Wait!” Melinda tugged and kicked, fighting with everything she could muster up. Fear fueled her actions, and she wouldn’t stop fighting to get out of their grips.
“If she doesn’t calm down, administer a sedative,” Bertucci called as she was dragged up the steps. She tried to twist around in their hands to see Nico, to implore him to help. This had to be a mistake.
“Nico! Don’t do this!” She jerked to the side and twisted enough to sink her teeth into the hand on her arm.
The man cursed but didn’t let go. She tried again, but she’d been yanked to the other man.