“No. I will. Just stop!” She jumped back, trying to whack him away.
She kept her gaze off him, not wanting to see his anger, and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. The white cotton slid down her arms, freeing her breasts as the cups dropped. She tossed it to the floor, onto the ruined and discarded dress, pushed her panties over her hips, and kicked them to join the others.
Instinctively, she wrapped one arm over her breasts, and pressed an open hand to her groin, trying to reclaim some dignity.
“Look at me,” he ordered, and not wanting to give him reason to do anything else to her, she did.
The anger she assumed would be raging in his expression wasn’t there. The dark storm still lingered, but he wasn’t out of control with rage.
She would have been more comfortable with anger than his calm disapproval. Did he ever lose control?
“Drop your hands to your sides.” The next order was given.
She released her breasts but pulled her hair forward, thankful the long locks were able to give her some cover then let both arms dangle at her sides.
He made a slow appraisal of her naked form. A grin eased onto his lips when he finally reached her eyes.
“Get on the bench, grab the handles, and put your ass high in the air,” he instructed, reaching for his belt buckle.
“No.” She shook her head. She would not give in so easily.
“No?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Did you just say no?”
“That’s what I said.” She made fists to keep from trying to cover her body again. She would not give him weakness. The monster probably fed off it, and she would rather see him starved.
He dropped his hands, the belt already unbuckled and hanging open at his waist. “Okay.” He nodded.
Her stomach twisted. That wasn’t a good okay. That was definitely an,I’ll think of something worseokay.
With two large strides, he grabbed her arms, pulled her to the cage. She struggled, yanking back and cursing at him—not that she expected any of it to work, but she wouldn’t go willingly into the prison.
He didn’t open the door. Instead, he reached up and pulled down a pair of cuffs from the top. He shoved her forward until her body was pressed against the long black bars. Her hands were drawn up over her head. Her struggles were no match for his strength, and she found her wrists bound in the cuffs.
Without the use of her upper body, she kicked out with her feet.
“Can’t forget those,” he said almost lightheartedly.
One ankle then the other was grasped and pulled out and locked in another set of cuffs until she was completely stretched out against the cage.
She pulled hard, but nothing would give. Completely naked, exposed, her backside faced him.
The jangling of his buckle reminded her of his mission, and her ass clenched in response.
“No. Peter. Please,” she begged, trying to turn her head to see him, to plead with him. “Don’t do this.”
“This was your decision, Azalea. You would have gotten a few licks of my belt on the bench, but now—now you’re getting a true strapping.”
His fingertips ran over her smooth buttocks, and she tried to jerk to the side, but he had her completely trapped.
Panic rose in her chest. “I’m sorry I tried to run away,” she said at the sound of his leather belt rubbing against the loops of his pants as he pulled it free.
“I’m glad you are, but that doesn’t change the consequences. See, being sorry afterward and facing no punishment won’t get it in your head not to do it again. So, it’s my job to be sure you learn this lesson.” He palmed her right ass cheek. “I mean really learn it.”
“Don’t do this. Please.” She tugged again on the restraints.
“You did this, Azalea. This is all because of your choices.” His hand left her ass, but only for a moment. It made contact. Hard, sharp pain radiated through her once then twice before he moved to her left cheek and repeated the action.
She squeezed her eyelids closed when his hand ran along her shoulder blades, gathering her hair and pushing it forward until her back was completely exposed. The long tendrils reached her bottom when she leaned her head back; at least he moved them out of the way. But was it an action to keep her hair from being pulled, or to make his target more accessible.