I sigh, nodding. “Sure.”

I have to remember all Ethan has done for me. When we started this business, he was upfront about what I’d have to sacrifice.“If you don’t think you can give this your all, tell me now, no hard feelings. When we do this, we need to be all in. Let’s be honest. It’s about cash. It’s the opposite of your other life.”

My “other life” was the pro bono work. Ethan was right. In the beginning, this business took everything from us.

Rosita huffs when we return, giving me a look I don’t like at all. “Have you handled your business, pretty boy, hmm?” She giggles.

“Pretty boy,” Ethan smirks. “I’ve never heard him called that before.”

“Really?” Rosita looks me up and down in an over-the-top way. “That isverysurprising to me, I have to say.”

“Shall we get on with it?” I snap.

“All right … no fun. As I was saying, he didn’t understand me. He didn’t care about me. He didn’tlistento me. He was thoroughly selfish, and the fact is, if he wants anything, he’ll have a better chance getting on his knees and begging than trying to go the legal route.”

“Then maybe you should let him,” I grunt without meaning to. It’s her tone, the self-entitlement, thepointlessnessof this all, like it’s weighing down on me.


“If begging will help, make him beg. Save yourself the time and money, and it’ll save me from having to listen to this crap.”

Stop, stop, stop, a voice roars, but I can’t. I keep thinking about the unfair disgust on Vivian’s face, then the confusion on Lily’s. I keep feeling her lips against mine and tasting the other parts of her. I keep thinking of The Bear, those kids, and I’mhere, doingthis.

“Ibegyour pardon!” Rosita screeches.

“He’s going through a tough time, Rosita,” Ethan says. “You got to tell her, Landon. Now.” Ethan glares at me.

I force out a laugh. “I’m dying. Please …” When I drop to my knees, Ethan groans. “Forgive me. I fucking beg you.”

Standing, I turn and walk away, hands balled into fists. I can already hear Ethan apologizing for me as I storm out. In the street, I walk, not even thinking where I’m going. My head is cloudy. What am I thinking, pulling a stunt like that? Ethan doesn’t deserve to have to deal with this mess.

I find my way into a park, sitting down and watching as an elderly man throws a ball for his dog. I’m not sure how long I sit here. I only snap back to reality when I get a text.

It’s Ethan.This is my fault. It was unfair of me to expect you to work after getting news like this. That was a lousy friend move on my part. Take some time, Landon.

That will kill you with our workload.

With all due respect, you could’ve just killed our most lucrative contract of the year. Luckily, I salvaged this, but you know me. I’m going to have to put the business first. Take a week.

I’ll see you in a week.

I stuff my phone in my pocket. I won’t argue with him about this. Neither of us has ever acted as unprofessionally as I just did. I don’t have any space to explain, and I don’t want to. I didn’t tell a lie in there. This shit feels meaningless, which says a lot about me and how I’ve sleepwalked through life, taking the logical route.

Another text. I grab my phone, expecting Ethan. When I see Lily’s name, I almost drop the phone, a shudder moving up my arm.We need to talk. Meet me after work?

Sure, I can meet you outside.I text back immediately.

No, let’s meet somewhere else. Somewhere more private.

She doesn’t want to be seen with me. I wonder if she’s had issues at work.

We can meet at my apartment.

Okay, but no funny business?

I’ll be good if you are,I reply.

She sends back a smiling face emoji. Despite everything that’s happened, I’m smiling down at my phone. Maybe I’m putting a stupid amount of importance on that emoji, but it’s like we’ve got some hope, which should be laughable.Months, not years…