Suddenly, Mom’s emergency alarm starts going off. I jump to my feet, Loki barking at my heels as I rush through the house and almost trip on the corner of a rug. I catch myself on the doorframe, staring as Mom half sits up, beads of sweat glistening all over her.
She coughs, making a rattly noise, her eyes staring from her pained expression as if they’re the only living things left.
“Call an ambulance!” I yell, rushing over to Mom.
“On it!” Riley yells back.
“Mom, it’s okay. Mom.”
She coughs again, causing her whole body to shake like energy will give out at any second. I hold her hand, desperately wondering what to do, as Riley walks in with the 911 operator on speaker.
Iwait outside Raffie’s apartment for the pizza guy to show up, then climb from my car and wander over to him. “Pizza for Raffie Trentini?” I ask.
The kid looks at me, probably around twenty, lean and suspicious. “Uh, yeah.”
“Want to make fifty bucks?”
That changes his mood, and I explain quickly. Together, we go to the intercom. He presses down on the button. After a minute, Raffie finally answers, his voice sluggish. “Hello?”
“Pizza for you, sir.”
“I didn’t order a pizza.”
“Rafeal Trentini?”
“Yes, but I didn’t order a damn pizza.”
Lowering my voice to a whisper, I tell the kid, “Say it’s bacon and sausage. Then say, if it’s a mistake, you’ll take it back.”
After doing as I say, Raffie murmurs, “Bacon and sausage … Hmm, thatdoessound like my order. Fuck it. Come on up.”
Once the buzzer goes, I grab the pizza and hand the kid the cash. Opening the door, I walk up the stairs, hardening myself.
I knock on Raffie’s door, then step to the side and open the pizza box. When the door opens, I drive the pizza directly in his face. He yelps and stumbles backward, reaching for something. I grab his wrist, squeeze, and feel his strength ebb.
“Fuck, please, no!” He stares up through layers of sauce, cheese, and toppings.“T?”
“Surprised to see me?” I growl, kneeling down next to him and taking out my piece. Leaning back, I swing the door closed, keeping my gun aimed at him the whole time. “I guess Tank told you I’d be in lockup, eh, big man?”
Raffie shakes his head, his hair sending splatters of sauce everywhere. “What? Tank? What are you talking about?”
I grab him by the throat one-handed, rage surging through me when I think about these Mob fucks showing up at Mayas’s house. Pushing the gun against his cheek, I say, “I thought I could handle this the civilized way. I thought I could walk the line, but with the Trentinis, there’s no line: just trafficking, sickness, and bloodshed.”
Raffie begins to gasp and shudder when I let him go, clawing at his neck. “T, please. Man …” he gasps. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
I drag him to the armchair and shove him into the seat, leaning forward. “So you’re telling me, Raffie, it’s a coincidence thatthe same day I pick up your little parcel is the same day I get hounded by the cops?”
He winces, looking down at the table.
“Don’t make me beat the truth out of you.”
He doesn’t say anything for a long time, seeming to consider his options. He must know I’m capable of ending him if it comes to that.
“Shit, man,” he groans. “I need to get off this shit. It makes thinking so hard.”