I suspected I fell wildly, hopelessly, forever in love with him right that second. Had lovelier words ever been spoken? “I will find a way to return to you,” I vowed. Whatever it took, I would get back to him. I caressed his cheek. “If you want me to come back.”

Sadness burrowed into his expression. Like Patch, he must doubt the possibly of a return. But no matter. I would prove him wrong. “I’m fighting everything in me not to toss youinto that bed, princess. I do want you to come back.” His pupils dominated his irises as he dipped to gently nip my bottom lip with his teeth. But he didn’t linger. He released me and closed his fingers around the compass. “You probably wonder about my mother and the history of my cloning.”

A subject change. I understood. “Yes.”

“I’m not sure how the Guardian grows so many clones at once. We are his second batch, and he taught only his chosen replacement, who will take over upon his death. Only that one was separated from the rest of us upon our birth. We were given in packs of three to women he selected, then raised in a special village, where we stayed until the age of ten. Then we came here for training by the guards birthed before us. An otherworlder named Emma cared for me along with Anders and Reese.”

Emma. Perhaps a connection to Aunt Em. As gently as I was able, I asked, “How did Emma die?”

“She wished only to return to her home. A place over the rainbow she said.” His knuckles skimmed my skin, just under the compass, setting off a new chain reaction of delicious sensations. “Rebels invaded our village. They took her, among others. The royal guard in operation at that time gave chase, but it was too late.” Pain flashed over his features. “All the prisoners had been executed, my mother included.”

A tragic tale that made me long to hug the boy he’d been. The people needed help.Mypeople. While the Guardian had done what he could, his system failed the most vulnerable of citizens. Look at what it had done to Patch.

There was another option, as I had proven, and I wouldn’t stop until all sacrifices were freed and offenders were punished for their own crimes in a fair and just manner. Justice would start with the governors. No longer would the Wests and those of their ilk impose their reign of terror.

“Here,” I said, reaching for the compass’s chain. “This belongs to you.”

“No. I’d like you to keep it. Maybe it will remind you of me.” He pressed his brow against mine. “I will miss you every moment of every day you are gone.” He kissed me before lifting his head. “While the Guardian is busy at the dome, I was able to locate Queen Sandrine’s secret room. From the whispers I’ve heard, it was discovered the day of your arrival. Would you like to see it? Though I warn you. It’s locked, and I have no idea how to open it.”

The perfect evasion. I couldn’t resist. Just seeing a door my mother had utilized thrilled me. “Yes, please and thank you. Give me two minutes to change.”

I hurried over to the dresser to collect the stack of folded clothes, then darted into the bathroom, where I changed. When I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, I flinched. Goodness gracious. I looked everything and nothing like I was used to seeing. A cut marred my brow and dried blood smeared my cheeks, but my dark eyes sparkled with excitement, my lips forever changed from the kiss branded on my soul.

I should tell him about Iris’s demand. The water maiden had only mentioned I wasn’t to disclose her plan to Ian. But thanks to the clone thing, Jasher was Ian, wasn’t he?

I scrubbed a hand over my face. I needed to come clean to Jasher but wasn’t sure I could risk it, crimen-wise, even though he might be the only one able to help me figure out a solution. Except. Hmm. Iris hadn’t demanded one boon; she’d requested three.

I’ve decided what you’ll do for me. And you will ask me no questions about it. You will simply shove this into the Guardian’s mouth the next time you are with him. Use any means necessary, and do not warn him of your plan beforehand.

The first: ask her no questions. The second: shove the disc, whatever it was, into the Guardian’s mouth. The third: do not warn him. But I owed her only one favor, which I’d granted by asking zero questions.

My breath caught. Was the answer truly so straightforward and uncomplicated?

Triumph bloomed at the possibility. Once I secured my boots, I practically skipped back to Jasher. What a day! From the lowest of lows to the highest of highs.

My executioner hadn’t budged. He spotted me, and his jaw went slack.

“What?” I asked, skidding to a halt.

“Happiness oozes from you.” He roved his gaze over me. “I like it.”

“Well, I’m with you. I’m pretty sure I’ve outsmarted Iris,andI’m about to see a secret door my mother used.”

His chin lowered. He peered at me through the thick shield of his lashes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my origins, princess.”

“You are forgiven.” I cupped his cheeks, the way he’d done mine. “I understand why you didn’t. But if you have any more secrets, now is the time to reveal them. I promise not to erupt…more than a little bit.”

Greater tension swept over him. “Thereissomething, but I cannot share it without becoming a liar.”

Well. That same tension wrapped around me. I tightened my hold on him. “Are you promised to another? Dying? Working against me? Planning to hunt Nugget?” The worst things I could think up.

He nuzzled into my palms. “No, no, no, and no.”

“Then I guess I’m okay with your secret,” I said, lowering my arms.

We exchanged a smile, and his face lit up. I lost my breath all over again, and I swore then and there to make him smile every day we were together.

He clasped my hand in his and started for the door, only to pause, sigh, and release me. “I shouldn’t show such familiarity with you outside this room while I’m on duty. You’ll have to follow me.”