“You are uninjured?” he asked, barely winded. He claimed his weapon.
“Y-yes. Correct.” I flattened my palms over the compass, which rested beneath my top, tucked between my breasts. Did it have enough juice to put down another male? “But you’re not. You need serpens-rosa.”
“Not yet. I have only one remaining, and I’m saving it for a life-or-death situation.”
He possessed a grain! “I’ve heard we can buy more in the City of Lux.”
He snorted. “Serpens-rosa is extremely difficult to acquire.”
What! The old woman had lied? But. No, she couldn’t have. Otherwise, a crimen would’ve appeared over her head, leading to her execution. She must have believed what she’d stated. Just as Jasher did.
“I’d like to buy yours,” I said, unable to hide my desperation. To show I was a team player, I kept my gaze down. “Name your price.” I’d find a way to pay it, whatever it was.
“My grain isn’t for sale.”
My hands balled. The medicine wasn’t for sale now, because I didn’t know his fee. But he had one. Everyone did. At least, that’s what my business professors claimed.
I just had to find a way to purchase some of Jasher’stime.A far more precious commodity many undervalued. “Thank you for endangering your own life to help me. I appreciate it.” Always good to start with gratitude, especially when itwas genuine. “Also, I apologize for injuring you. It was unintentional, I assure you.” I peeked at him to gauge his reaction.
“Don’t thank me. I helped only myself.” He looked me over, perhaps noticing my granter of wishes outfit for the first time. A double-blink followed his examination, then a swallow. “You are nothing to me.”
At least he was honest. And no offense taken, really. He wasn’t exactly high on my list of somethings, either. Except. “You trying to tell me you came out searching for a nothing?” Bet he expected a hefty paycheck from West.
“Who says I was searching for you? I’m on the hunt for my brother. Stumbling upon you was…” He ran his tongue over his teeth, going quiet.
“Abonus?” I quipped, wrapping my arms around my middle. Wait. He really wasn’t here to drag me kicking and screaming to the Governor’s Guild? Relief chased away trepidation. Bargaining with him should be easier than anticipated.
“A surprise,” he corrected, sheathing his weapons. “If you want to remain free, you should remove your brand.” He motioned to my scarred palm. “Bounty hunters will come for you until you do.”
Remove it, as incut it off? The bottom dropped out of my world. “Henry West released me from my contract. Shouldn’t the brand deactivate or whatever?” Maybe? Hopefully?
Confusion marred Jasher’s features. “The Wests release no one. How did you manage such a feat?” He pursed his lips. “No, it doesn’t matter. Whatever the answer, the brand is a magnet for bounty hunters.”
Under no circumstances should I slice off a hank of my hand. I was fighting for passage home and needed all the strength I could get. Blood loss would only weaken me. “I’ll handle the brand another day. Perhaps your protective services are available for purchase in the meantime? And your guide services? I’m on my way to the City of Lux.”
His eyes slitted. “You can’t afford my rates.”
Oops. Looked at him again. Trepidation returned with a vengeance. Imustgarner this man’s cooperation. “Surely there’s something I can do to make it worth your while.”Uh, what are you offering?I didn’t know! Just something.
“I doubt you’ve got anything worth trading.”
Ouch. “I’m an excellent nurse. Let me tend your wounds.”
“I don’t require tending.” A noise of irritation left him. “I’m too tired to decide your fate right now. We’ll talk in the morning.”
“Deal!” I’d take it. If I had one night to convince Jasher to escort me to the City of Lux, well, I’d pour on the charm and succeed. I couldn’t make the trip alone, obviously.
He turned on his heel and stalked off, ending the conversation. A travesty in itself, but he also took the light with him.
“Where are you going?” I called as the darkness swelled, attempting to choke me. “Jasher! I won’t look at you ever again, I promise.” I gave chase, but only made it four steps. I’d already lost my bearings. Which way was which?
Splashing sounds rose in the distance. Was Jasher swimming away or was something swimming closer?
To my immense relief, the executioner returned a few minutes later. Yes! He brought the light. He must have taken a dip. His face, armor and hands were now clean, and water dampened his hair. A backpack dangled from his shoulder.
He dropped the pack on a pile of flower petals, crouched, and dug inside. Out came a bundle of some kind of meat jerky, berries, and a canteen. “You’re looking.”
I cut off a mewl of desire. “Don’t flatter yourself. Just tell me you’re willing to feed me free of charge during what I hope will be our first night together, with many more to come. Otherwise you might wake up to find a carcass.”