“What’s considered a crime?” I grated. “Give me a full list.”
“Lying, stealing, cheating, and everything in between.”
I sputtered for a moment. “And decapitation? Isthatnot a crime?”
“That is a sacrifice. Payment for a wrongdoing. Necessary.” He waved his hand when I opened my mouth to reply. “From now on, I decide your fate. Best you remember that.” He stood and rounded the desk. When he reached out to pull me to a stand, I slapped his arm away and rose on my own. He narrowed his eyelids, saying, “I suggest you behave, or things will not go well for you.”
No doubt his idea of “behave” was accepting any abuse he and Mr. West dished. At least he hadn’t arranged a whipping for me.
“Be thankful you aren’t with Mrs. East. Her substitutesbegto be traded to Mr. West.”
“A worse choice doesn’t make a bad one better,” I told him, the frost on my spine solidifying.
He rolled his eyes as if I spouted nonsense and strode from the office, expecting me to follow. Which I did. I had a mission. Study. Learn. Obtain. Go.Withoutcausing the death of another sacrifice.
Ugh. How was I supposed to manage such a feat?
Only Patch met my gaze as I marched through the stable once more. The knowing sympathy I detected in the hustler’s eyes left me far from comforted.
Queasy, I asked, “Can you at least tell me about Henry?”
“Mr. West’s eldest son. He won’t force you into his bed if that’s what’s worrying you,” Hogg assured me. “His women are always given a choice.”
That statement did nothing to alleviate my nerves.
Hogg led me outside, along a different cobblestone path, and into the garden behind the mansion, where (green) bee houses abounded. A forest as eerie as the one near the chapel stretched beyond them. Using a door in back, we entered an ancient kitchen bustling with activity. At least fifteen sweating women chopped, stirred, and mixed a diverse assortment of foods. A massive wood-burning stove turned the space into an oven.
In seconds, sweat sheened me. I hardly cared, too busy eyeing the goodies, overwhelmed by hunger. Months had passed since I’d eaten a decent meal.
Hogg thrust me toward a girl frying sausages. “This is Moriah Shaker from the otherworld. Clean her up and take her to Mr. West’s office to meet Henry. But be careful. She’s a spicy one.”
Otherworld, he’d said. Did that mean what it seemed to mean?
The girl heaved a weary sigh and motioned someone over to finish the frying. She didn’t grab me, just stalked from the room, expecting my compliance.
I cast a final, longing glance at those sausages and followed. We traveled through a series of doors and down a flight of steps, into an underground chamber with rocky walls and a bubbling spring. Four women my age congregated there, wearing sparkling bathing suits, chatting and laughing. They ranged in sizes and colors. From the palest white to the darkest black, each a bona fide beauty.
The waters called to my deepest depths. How long since I’d taken the time to relax and swim?
Upon noticing me, everyone went silent.
“Moriah Shaker from the otherworld, meet Mr. West’s house choir. They sing at every meal and other times too. Both Wests are home, by the way,” the servant informed the bath babes. “You’ll be summoned for duty as soon as Henry’s snack is served. But first, the newcomer must be prepared. House choir, meet Moriah Shaker, the new Tandi no doubt. I’m told she’s spicy.”
“I’m really not. Spicy, I mean.” To prove it, I unveiled my best waitressing smile and waved. “I’m just a weary traveler—” The servant shoved me into the water.
I came up sputtering with a rebuke on my tongue as my slippers sank to the bottom. But oh, wow, this felt nice. Like my favorite memories wrapped in a dream come true. While I tread, the burn in my palm faded. Any remaining muscle aches dulled. Even my hunger subsided.
Swimming to a shallower section, I looked around. The members of the choir were climbing out of the pool while the servant gathered a towel and a ridiculously sheer green genie costume from a shelf nestled inside a cozy nook.
Was I supposed to wear the slinky garment when I faced Henry?If so, Tandi’s role in his life was no longer a mystery. Unfortunately for Henry, I wasn’t on board with becoming a replacement mistress.
The bath babes collected an array of jars and returned to the water. “The newcomer must be prepared” now madesense, too. “I’m able to prepare myself, ladies.” And not for some guy’s sexual amusement.
“But we were instructed to help,” the redhead replied as the group surrounded me. In a matter of minutes, they stripped, soaped, scrubbed, and oiled me from top to bottom. Protesting did no good. The women were kind, but relentless.
Enveloped by an incredible fragrance of sugared cherries and sweet almonds, I finally gave in. Yes, I could have thrown elbows, but why bother? Better to save my energy for Henry West.
My companions twittered as they worked.