“He is a fucking Reapers MC member, look at the tattoos on his hands.”
Jack glanced down but couldn’t see his hands. He was fighting the urge to lash out and run. Everything hurt and his mind whirled.
“He said he couldn’t remember anything, why he was left outside Eastward, he’s got no idea why he’s in this condition-”
An older man in doctor's scrubs was cutting open his shirt, while his blonde angel fumbled with inserting an IV line into his hand. Her hands were cold.
“Hannah, you shouldn’t be working on him, it’s a breach of protocol, you shouldn’t be treating someone you know-”
“How well do you know him?” another voice piped up in a sneering tone. What the fuck was up with him? Jack craned his head as much as he could to see. A uniformed police officer. Why was a police officer even here? Jack immediately didn’t like him. He wasn’t sure what it was, maybe his tone, his face… something about him bothered Jack.
Hannah let a little smug smile sneak onto her lips now.” He’s my boyfriend,” she said, calm and clear as a bell.
He didn’t need to look up to see that everyone in the room exchanged glances.
The officer voiced what they probably all thought. “I’m sorry, you… you are dating… this…?” he scoffed.
There was a blood pressure monitor strapped to Jack’s upper arm. He had tried to move, was it the bedsheets just tucked in too tight, or was it his muscles that refused to work?
“Yes, he’s mine,” she said simply. Jack felt his head release back into the bed, he felt his muscles relax. He felt a sense of peace. He took a breath.
“How in the actual fuck,” the police officer snorted with derision. He glared up at him. PC Roper, his name badge said. He looked like a bug eyed frog that someone had stepped on. “How in the actual fuck were you with him?”
The suited Prison Governor shot the policeman a loaded look. “What I think PC Roper is asking, is-”
“Hannah, you moved on quick, I’m surprised, and with… someone likehim-”
“Alright, Paul, I know you two have a history, but-”
Jack’s neck hair raised. The police officer was her ex. Jack felt a carnal need to rip his eyes out of their sockets.
Hannah tossed her blonde ponytail over her shoulder, out of the way, as she gently taped the IV line into place. He thought her fingers twitched, almost reaching for him.
He wanted to pretend they were holding his hand, reassuring him.
“You, little miss prude and prissy-” Roper continued.
“Enough, Paul,” The Governor said.
“-with him, the big bad wolf? This fucking Reaper? A MC member? How in the name of ever loving fuck did you two meet?” Roper nodded his head at Jack, who felt like a piece ofmeat, lying there, unable to move, unable to speak. Unable to fight back and defend himself. Defend her. He could hear, he could partially see.
He couldn’t remember anything.
He remembered a flash of blonde hair. Gentle hands, soft voice. A caring, kind face, a familiar face. Hannah. Thinking of her name even left him feeling warmer. He had a girlfriend. A beautiful, strong, smart girlfriend called Hannah.
He was woefully underprepared for this. He felt his heart jump out of his chest.
Suddenly he had a flashback. Shocking himself, it was a moment of him orgasming. Hot, wet, he heard himself cry out, he heard a woman cry out. He saw blonde hair. An incredible orgasm. He heard himself roar out loud. Fuck, he felt it again, his balls pulled up, his dick twitched, remembering that physical release, that emotional release. He blinked, now getting an erection, hoping everyone would go, wanting to think, wanting to feel that, to remember. It was shocking, pornographic, almost indecent if it hadn’t been for the swell or emotion that came with it.
Now he just wanted to make her come. Hard. This blonde woman who trusted him implicitly. Hannah, whose cool hands took his and reached through more than just the air between them to touch him.
He wanted to come, too. He wanted not just physical release, he wanted to set himself free, the caged animal inside him, he wanted a release for that, too. He wanted his ugly, angry beast to soar next to her, this little blonde angel, this beautiful, svelte, pure creature who claimed to be his.
But he had no other memory of her. Nothing else. Just one of her looking down at him, and one of her orgasming along with him. Or was it wishful thinking? He couldn’t tell, he wasn’t sure.
The Governor raised his voice now, “Stand down, PC Roper. Hannah will no doubt be questioned by the appropriate office. We’ve called it in and we’ve got Detectives from Scotland Yard coming, they said keep him in custody-”
Jack felt a weird sense of panic at that. Sudden and visceral.