“I didn’t mean to!” I tried to assure her. The truth was, it wasn’t so much that I’d killed him, buthowI’d killed him.
“Tell me exactly what happened,” she instructed.
“It was almost like I… sucked the life out of him. He literally dried up into a husk, crumbled, and blew away.” My mother had never told me that my father wasn’t human, but now I wondered.
My mother’s face paled.
“You said there’s a girl you’re helping? Who is she to you?”
“She’s… I’m not sure.”
“Have you slept with her?”
“Fuck, Mom,” I slapped my hand over my eyes. No guy wants to talk to their mother about fucking. Or at least I didn’t.
“Damien. This is important. Have you slept with her?”
“Yes,” I bit out. My jaw was ticking. “But it’s not casual. She’s… mine.”
And I couldn’t say how I knew, but the second I saw her, I knew she was meant to be mine. That right there was why I’d stayed as emotionally far away from her as I could. For me toknowthat was strange, but the hints I was discovering about myself—well, I hadn’t wanted to drag her into my shit. Whatever it was.
Obviously, it was too late now.
“Don’t have sex with her again. I—I—I’ll call you back,” she stammered. I heard her whisper, “This cannot be happening.”
“What? Why? Mom, tell me what the hell you’re talking about.” I wasn’t going to remain celibate because it upset my grown-ass mother.
“I’m coming home. But first… I need to see your father,” she guiltily whispered.
“My… Mom. You… you said my dad was dead.”
She took a deep breath and forcefully let it out. Then she closed her eyes as if she was in prayer, then looked at me almost apologetically. “I know. I lied.”
“Wait. What?” I was in shock.
“I’ll be there soon. No sex.” The call ended.
I rolled my eyes. Don’t fuck Willow? Yeah, sure.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that you finally fucked the man you’ve been crazy about for almost a year?” Sage asked from my screen. I had FaceTimed her while I was cooking breakfast for everyone at the clubhouse.
“Yeah, pretty much,” I muttered as I flipped the pancakes.
Sage fell back in her chair, looking stunned. “And you’re not still in his bed, why?”
“Oh my God, Sage. Stop!” My cheeks burned hot. After we’d cuddled for a bit, Facet and I had gone at it again, but that time he’d seemed almost reserved. Like he was holding something back.
“Is he there?”
“No. I think he’s with Voodoo right now.”
I jumped when someone leaned over my shoulder from behind. “Mmm, those smell good. Please tell me those are your scratch recipe,” Squirrel pleaded before he pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder.
A growl sounded behind us right as Sage asked, “Aww, is that Squirrel?”
Squirrel grinned and waved at Sage, and I spun as they started talking. Facet stood in the doorway to the kitchen and if looks could kill, I think Squirrel would be six feet under.