Page 97 of High Intensity

“So you thought you’d give me an out? Do I look like I want out?”

She shrugs.

“What doyouwant?” I ask in a softer tone. “Because I like where we are. I like being at your house, with your pack,andwith Hayley. Can’t you see I’m falling for that girl as hard as you are? And God knows I’ve probably been in love with you longer than I care to admit.”

Her mouth is slack and when moments go by without her saying anything, I repeat my earlier question.

“What is it you want, Jilly?”


“I like Hawaiian pizza.”

Lucas glances at Hayley in his rearview mirror.

“Pineapple belongs in a fruit salad, not on a pizza,” he states firmly.

“Have you ever tried it?” the girl fires back.

“Don’t need to. Pineapple is a fruit, and fruit is a dessert.”

“Sometimes fruit can be breakfast, or a snack,” Hayley continues to argue.

The bubble I’ve had in my chest since Lucas’s declaration back in the barn feels like it’s about to burst. Listening to the two most important people in my life bantering back and forth is a balm on my soul.

Part of me is afraid to be too happy, since this current arrangement may only be temporary, but another part of me is reminding me to lap it up while I can. This is the life I didn’t think I could have, and even if it’s taken from me at some point, it’s not going to hold me back from living it.

Of course, I never got the chance to answer Lucas’s question, because Hayley had come looking for us, cutting that conversation short, but I still owe him a response.

The banter continues until we walk out of the pizza place with two large pizzas; one Hawaiian and one meat lovers.

At home, I first let the dogs out and get their dinner prepped, and by the time I sit down at the kitchen table, I see half of each of the pizzas is already gone.

“You ate five slices?” I direct at Hayley, who is wearing a grin on her face.


I turn to Lucas, who is looking a bit sheepish.

“She challenged me.”

“And?” I prompt him, biting my tongue to keep from laughing.

“It wasn’t too horrible,” he sputters.

“Yeah,” Hayley pipes up, mocking him. “Not horrible enough to keep him from grabbing another slice.”

Lucas shrugs. “I had to make sure.”

When our laughter dies down, I catch his eye.

“You asked me what I want?” I motion with my good arm to encompass everything and everyone. “This. This is what I want. Everyone and everything I love together under one roof. This is what makes me happy.”

Lucas reaches across the table and grabs my free hand, bringing it to his mouth. Then he presses a kiss to the inside of my wrist.

“I’ll pack the rest of my stuff tonight and haul everything over in the morning. Make me some room in the dresser.”

Our eyes stay locked across the table, saying everything that needs to be said.