He stalks up and cups my face in his hands and before I can even react, his mouth is on mine.
“Hello to you too,” he mumbles, after taking the wind from my sails with that kiss.
When I glance over his shoulder I catch sight of Sloane, shamelessly grinning like an idiot at the display.
I got the call from Junior Ewing just as Mom was loaded onto the ambulance.
She was being moved back to Wellspring Senior Living, where she’d made it clear she’d be more comfortable, and staff would be able to keep an eye on her.
I ended up following the ambulance to the home where I told Mom I had to leave. As expected, she shooed me to the door, the promise of a more extensive explanation later was enough for her after I mentioned Jillian might be in danger.
The moment I got back in the truck, I called an old FBI colleague, still working from the Kalispell office, to get the dirt on what was going on. He mentioned the Ovando family name and the hair on my neck stood up.
I don’t think there is anyone working for any federal law enforcement agency—present or past—who hasn’t heard that name before. A notorious Bolivian crime family, the Ovandos have made waves for years now, shedding blood without hesitation in their bid to put a claim on the pipeline of drugs being pumped onto our streets. They already control the majority of cocaine production in Bolivia, and have been looking for other ways to increase their profit margin.
I have no fucking idea how these guys tie in with the plane crash—although I could think of some plausible scenarios—but to hear one of them accosted Jillian in the hospital parking lot has my blood run cold. I was grateful to hear Junior put a detail on her, but he’d guessed correctly I would be looking out for her safety.
Which is why I rushed back to Libby.
I barely even registered Sloane when the door opened. The only person I had eyes for was Jillian, standing by the kitchen island and looking surprised to see me. A wave of relief propelled me across the room, and my heart didn’t slow down until I had her body in my arms and her taste on my lips.
“Well, hello…” Sloane sounds behind me, amusement tinting her voice. “Can’t say I’ve seen that side of you before, Wolff. Not so unflappable after all.”
Keeping a firm hold of Jillian, who is trying to wiggle free, I swivel my head to look over my shoulder.
“Are you still here?” I fire back. “Don’t you have a family to get home to?”
She raises an eyebrow. “Am I to assume you’re taking over?”
“Correct. Check with your boss.”
“Fine. I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Excuse me,” Jillian mutters, putting both her hands against my chest and shoving hard. “I’m not some kind of package to change hands.”
“Oh, keep your panties on,” Sloane teases as she pulls open the door. “At least long enough for me to get out of here.”
Reluctantly I let go of Jillian, who immediately creates some distance.
“It’s bad enough I’m being forced to put up with babysitters,” she snaps. “But I draw the line at being talked about like I’m not even in the room. What the hell is wrong with you two?”
One now, because Sloane conveniently slipped out the door. Still, I nod, because I see her point. I did walk in here like some caveman, completely disregarding her needs in favor of my own need for reassurance.
“We care, which isn’t an excuse, but an explanation,” I volunteer, shrugging out of my coat and hanging it over the back of a kitchen chair. “For myself, all I can say is an hour and a half is a long fucking time to be on the road with worry as your only companion.”
Her anger seems to deflate as her eyes close and the tension leaves her body.
“I can’t believe you left your mom. How is she?”
“She is back at Wellspring, where she will be monitored closely. She actually insisted I come when she heard it involved you.”
“Does she…”
“Know I care about you?” I finish for her. “Yes. I was stuck in a hospital room with her for twenty-four hours. My mother is relentless and very skilled at drawing out information I’m not excited to part with.”
Her mouth stretches into a grin.