“I’m not too sure. Lizzy wants to hang out and has asked me to get ready for the dance at her house, so I guess I’ll just go there a bit earlier this afternoon.”
“I’m so glad it’s the dance tonight, and you have something to look forward to. I’m sorry I have to work. I had planned to help out at the dance as a chaperone. I wanted to see you all dressed up. Will you ask Lizzy’s parents to take lots of pictures of you girls for me, please? Are you staying at Lizzy’s tonight?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan, if it’s okay.”
“Of course it is, babygirl. I prefer you not to be home alone while I’m working anyway.”
“Thanks Mom.”
“Do you want to go shopping or anything before you head to Lizzy’s? Is there anything you need for the dance?”
“No. I’m all set, thank you.” My mom’s face falls with disappointment. “But if there’s anything you need to go and get, I could come with you. I’ll even treat you to an ice cream when we’re done.”
My mom laughs. “You sound like the adult, and I’m the kid.”
I give her a tight smile. That’s not the case, at all, but I have been stepping up and helping out, financially, a lot more lately. And not just with the money from Victor.
If we didn’t need it so badly, if I didn’t help take the strain off Mom a little, I’d feel bad about where I got the money from. Like it’s a little dirty. But I refuse to feel that way, so I push those thoughts aside.
“I tell you what, I get paid next week, so maybe next Saturday we could go shopping and choose something nice for your birthday,” she suggests.
“You don’t have to do that, Mom. The flowers, card, and balloons are more than enough. Not to mention the pancakes,” I groan. “I swear they get better every year.”
“You hush your mouth. I may not be able to provide a gift on time, but my baby is damn well having a present on her birthday. Eighteen is such an important milestone. I have to get you something you can keep. Something special.”
“Okay, Mom, if you insist.”
“I do,” she replies firmly before smiling at me. “Now eat your pancakes before they’re stone-cold.”
I do as she says, and we eat in companionable silence. When I’m done, she insists on cleaning up and shoos me away to go shower and prep for the dance. It’s far too early to do my hair and makeup , but using the time to shower and shave is nice.
When I’m done, Lizzy texts me.
Happy Birthday to my best bitch!
Best? I better be your one and only!
Don’t I know it! When are you coming over? Did your mom get you anything nice?
I’m almost ready. She wants to take me shopping next week to pick something out myself.
I see the magical three dots appear and then go. Return, and vanish again. Lizzy’s obviously debating how to reply to that sad little nugget of information, but I don’t mind.
Oh, hun, that seriously sucks. I’m sorry. At least it’ll make my present even more amazing!
Feeling guilty toward my mom, I shoot Lizzy another message.
She got me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, and balloons. And of course, the breakfast pancakes were amazing!
I’d rather my mom spent the extra money I was able to give her on our bills and the car, rather than me. It feels weird to think that she’d be using Victor’s money to buy me a gift. Like, it’s almost from him.
I hate that.