Such a good girl, but doesn’t she understand I don’t need or want her compliance tonight?

But I need a release, and she’s the only one who can give it to me. The darkness within me demands to be set free, to be unleashed upon the only person who can bear its weight.

As I stand over her, my hands tremble with a mixture of desire and revulsion at what I’m about to do.

But there is no turning back now.

The mask hides my emotions, my true self, as I reach down and grip her hair in a tight fist, pulling her head back to expose her vulnerable neck. Cora’s breath hitches in her throat, a mix of fear and anticipation in her eyes as she waits for the inevitable. With a guttural growl, I lift my mask a little, then lean down and sink my teeth into her skin, drawing blood and a sharp cry from her lips.

The metallic tang fills my senses, fueling the frenzy within me. She struggles beneath me, but I hold her fast, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. My body sings with pleasure and pain, a twisted dance of torment and rapture that only she can provoke. And as I finally release her, panting and sated, I know that what comes next this night will haunt us both forever.

Prying her jaw open, I squeeze her face in my large gloved hands, and impale her mouth onto my cock. She gags, tears instantly springing to her eyes, but I ignore it.

No, that’s a lie. I don’t ignore her discomfort, I feast on it. Revel in it. Drown in it.

My heart races as I thrust into her mouth, each movement a jolt of electricity coursing through me. Her eyes water, tearsstreaming down her cheeks, but she doesn’t break. There’s something about her submission, her willingness to endure my torment, that only fuels my desire. I watch her throat work as she swallows, fierce and unyielding.

I can feel the darkness receding, slowly retreating as the release takes hold. But it’s not over yet. Leaning forward, I wrap my gloved hands around her neck, my fingers tightening, my breath hot against her ear.

“This is what you want, isn't it? This is why you keep letting me come back.”

She nods, her eyes pleading for me to release her, but I won’t. Not yet. I need her to understand, to truly feel the consequences of her actions. The guilt, the shame, the pain.

My fingers tighten, and her eyes widen in panic. I don’t release her until her face begins to turn purple, and when I do, I shove her backward off my cock with another snarl.

She collapses on the floor, sobbing and snatching gulps of air. The sound sickens me and pisses me off.

“Stop crying!” I bark.

She flinches at my tone, but doesn’t quit whimpering.

“I can’t fucking take this anymore!” I shout, my voice echoing off the cold, bare walls of the room. “You’re going to fucking learn your place!”

“You want me, you have me,” I sneer, my voice just a husky growl in the darkness. “But you can't keep pushing me like this.”

Cora’s eyes are wide with fear and desperation, her body wracked with pain and loss. She knows what she’s done, and I can see it in her gaze. She knows that her actions have driven me to this point, and she’s terrified of the consequences.

But it’s too late for her. Too late for both of us. My mind has snapped, and I can feel the darkness within me growing stronger with every passing moment. I can feel the monster within me beginning to rise, and I can't stop it now.

With a final snarl, I yank her up and propel her against the wall, her body limp and almost lifeless against the cold, unyielding surface. My fingers grip her throat again, my hand covered in her tears, and I look into her eyes.

“You wanted this. You wept for this. And now you’re going to fucking get it.”

I squeeze her throat again and force my other hand between her legs, plunging two fingers roughly into her cunt. She cries out, but when I withdraw my gloved hand and hold it up between us, we can both see her arousal coating my leather-clad fingers. I thrust them into her mouth, making her gag.

“Don’t act like you don’t want this, Cora. Your body betrays you.”

I release her throat and withdraw my fingers from her mouth. She’s breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. I can see the fear in her eyes, and yet, there’s also a glimmer of submission that I can’t deny. She’s shaken, but she’s also aroused.

“You want this. You crave this. And Iwillgive it to you,” I whisper, my voice low and threatening.

As if on cue, the darkness within me surges, and I feel a sudden rush of energy coursing through my veins. I grab Cora’s trembling body and toss her onto the bed, her eyes wide with terror as she looks up at me.

“Wait,” she pleads, her voice barely more than a whisper. “Please?—”

But it’s too late for pleading. I’m beyond reason now. Deaf to her pleas.

I shove her down onto the bed and straddle her, my body heavy and dominant. My gloved hand grips her wrists, pinning them above her head, while my other hand fists my erection.