Today was the first day he asked me for a picture though. Well, such a revealing picture, anyway. I’ve sent him a few before, but these are different. I bite my lip as I think about his words.I want to see your pussy, Cora. Please send me the pictures, I don’t think I can go another day without seeing you. Don’t let me down.

“I want to keep kissing you,” Victor says, but I shake my head and pull away. I want to take things slower. I want to be sure before I do anything I can’t take back, like give him my virginity. I trust him, but I want to make sure I do this for the right reasons.

“We should slow down,” I whisper, just as the door to his classroom clicks shut. It’s so unexpected in the quiet of the classroom that it may as well have been a loud bang, and we both spin quickly to see who’s there. Only there isn’t anyone. It mustnot have shut all the way when I came in, and a draft just blew it closed.

“That was too close.” Victor looks alarmed, his muddy brown eyes wide, and I nod. “We should start meeting outside of school,” he suggests.

I look up, excitement filling me.

“Okay. I’m going dress shopping this weekend at the mall with Lizzy, maybe you could be there shopping for something too?” I offer, trying to mentally plot ways to sneak off to get a few moments alone, but Victor shakes his head.

“Come to the football game on Friday night. You can sneak away and meet me in my car. No one will see us if I park in the back. It’s so dark back there.”

“Okay,” I agree, even though my heart races a bit, and my stomach knots up. It’s just excitement. That’s all. Victor would never push me to go further than I’m willing, especially in the back of his car. Right?

“And here,” Victor pulls a stack of twenties out of his pocket and hands them to me. “For the pictures.”

“Just one picture,” I amend, but Victor shakes his head.

“Three. One for each hundred dollars.” He gives me a pointed look, and I agree after a moment.

“I guess that’s fair. Thank you,” I whisper, as I tuck the cash away and lean up to give him one last kiss, before I have to rush out of the classroom. The way he grabs a handful of my ass makes me gasp, but I ignore the way it makes me feel. He’s just showing me he likes me. I should be flattered, not on edge.

It’s only Monday, so I have to wait until Friday to see him again outside of history class, but at least I know for sure that I’ll get a moment with him again soon. Until then, I’ll just have to text him and work up the courage to send those pictures that I now owe him.



Poor, silly little Cora. Doesn’t she know that once you start on this slippery path, it’s a steep downward slope? A sharp, descending spiral that will take her to the bowels of Hell.

A sweet girl like her will never survive.

And yet, I find myself curious to see how she handles it. Does she have the strength?

I could intervene. Save her from herself and the monster she’s aligning herself with.

But the scent of her fear and desperation is such a turn on.

I think I’ll watch a little longer and see how this one plays out.

After all, I’m the biggest monster she’s ever going to meet.



Iend up sending Victor three nude pictures on Monday, two on Tuesday, and a very dirty video on Thursday. It was short, but I showed him way more than I ever thought I’d show anyone, especially in a video. I always keep my face out of the shots though.

He’s becoming more demanding, and I’m nervous about stuff falling into the wrong hands, but Victor promised he wouldn’t let that happen. I deleted it off my phone as soon as I sent it though. Just to be safe.

Every time he’s glanced my way in class this week, I’ve wondered if he’s thinking about my naked body. He does a good job of hiding how he’s feeling and that makes me nervous until I get a text from him in the middle of class telling me how sexy he thinks I am.

By the time I go shopping on Saturday, I’ll have enough extra money for shoes, a dress, and maybe even some sexy lingerie. The thought makes me nervous.

Prom is the same night as my eighteenth birthday, and I don’t know if I’ll be ready to have sex with Victor by then, but maybe? I want to look good either way. Even if we don’t have sex, maybe we can go a little further than we have so far. Even if it means doing so in the back of his car. It’s not ideal, but I understand that while I’m still in school, we can’t really go public as a couple.

Besides, the secrecy makes it more thrilling.