I frantically whip my head from side to side, as if my denial can make this any less real.
“You look beautiful,” he says, looking me up and down. Like before, his voice is altered somehow. Before I thought it was just muffled, but now I’m not sure. It sounds…weird. Unlike anyone I’ve ever heard before. Could there be some sort of mechanical voice changer under there? I don’t know.
I’m so distracted by his words that I don’t immediately realize that in my fear I’ve dropped the towel. With a squeak of surprise, I bend down to retrieve it, but he steps forward and places a large black combat boot on the edge of the material, preventing me from being able to grab it.
“Please,” I whimper.
“Why hide from me, Cora? I can always see you.”
His words fill me with a paralyzing fear. “W-what do you mean?”
“Enough talking. Get on your knees for me.”
The noise that escapes me is plaintive and desperate. “No. Please. Don’t do this,” I beg.
I can’t see his face, but his posture is relaxed, and when he casually raises his arms to place his hands behind his head, I realize that he likes it when I beg. One of his gloved hands drops to his crotch and he rubs – the outline of his erection clear.
He likes my fear. Gets off on it. And as much as a small, brave, part of me wants to withhold my terror and not give him the satisfaction, I have no more control over my reactions to him than I do over what’s about to transpire next.
“Please, don’t.” Tears stream down my face as he patiently waits for me to obey him. I don’t see a gun this time, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t got one. He’s also far too big for me to tackle, and he’s still blocking the exit out of our tiny bathroom.
Besides, even if I could get past him, how far could I run before he caught me?
And what would he do if I made him mad?
With that realization, I sink to my knees. They hit the cold bathroom tiles, and I shiver. My wet hair is running icy rivers down my naked flesh, and goosebumps have risen all over my skin. I’m freezing, but I’m too terrified to say or do anything about it.
“Good girl.”
I whimper.
Iama good girl. I’ve always tried so hard to be good. I work hard, stay out of trouble, and help my mom as best I can. Until Mr. Spiro, I never put a toe out of line. I knew it wasn’t right, but I convinced myself he loved me and was worth breaking the rules for. We’d only have to wait a few months until I graduated, and then we could be together.
Bullshit. I realize that now.
But is this my punishment for getting involved with my teacher?
While I’ve been lost in my thoughts, staring at the floor while tears cascade down my face, the masked man has come even closer. His boots fill my teary vision, and I sniff as my nose begins to run.
He strokes my hair, making me cringe away from him, but that action angers him because he fists my wet hair and yanks. Pain explodes all along my scalp, and I rise up tall on my knees in a vain attempt to release some of the tension. He keeps pulling, twisting his fist further into my hair, effectively shortening the leash he has me on. His other hand has unzipped his fly and is fisting his cock… It’s inches from my lips now.
“Open wide.”
That’s as far as he lets me get before he’s slamming his cock past my lips. His head hits the back of my throat, and I gag, tears falling as fast as the pain, as he ignores my panic and pushes deeper.
My hands go to his thighs and push with all my might, trying to free myself, but he doesn’t move a muscle. It’s like pushing against a solid wall. Panic floods me as I struggle to breathe; he’s not letting up, and my nose is too stuffy to breathe through.
Oh my god. I’m going to die. I’m going to die naked in my bathroom, and my mom will find me and —
Gasping for breath, I cough and splutter and cry even harder. He’s released me from his dick, but he still has hold of my hair, so I know he’s not done.
“Look at you. Fucking magnificent.”
I don’t waste my precious moments begging, I focus on getting as much air into my lungs as possible, even though they’re screaming, and my throat is burning.
When he pulls my hair again, I can’t stop the reflex that sends my chin up and my mouth open.