Assuming it’s Lizzy, I snatch up the phone and snap, “What?” The voice on the other end of the line tuts disapprovingly, and I quickly glance at the screen to see who it is. Unknown number.
“H-hello?” I ask, my voice shaking almost as much as my hands suddenly are.
There’s no answer. Just heavy breathing that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
“Who is this?” I try to demand, but my voice comes out weaker than I’d like. It’s on the tip of my tongue to say ‘Victor’ but I manage to catch myself just in time. What if it’s not him and whoever’s on the line knows who Victor is? I might not want to be with the guy anymore, but I don’t want to get either of us into trouble by accidentally outing our short-lived relationship. If you can even call it a relationship.
The call ends before I can say anything else, but then the phone immediately starts buzzing in my hand again. I don’t want to answer it. Who the fuck is pranking me this early in the morning?
A surge of anger makes me bold, and I hit answer on the call.
“Look, whoever you are, it’s too early in the morning for these fucking games! Leave me alone.”
I’m about to hang up, pleased that I’ve put the mystery caller in their place, when I catch sight of the display.
It’s Slater.
“Cora? Cora?”
“Slater? Why are you calling me so early on a Monday morning?”Why are you calling me, period? I assumed you lost my number when you ditched me all those years ago. Why are you suddenly everywhere I turn now?
“Your mom called. Said you were unwell this weekend and asked me to check in on you,” he says, sounding slightly amused. “But we both know that’s bullshit, so get your pathetic ass out of bed, quit feeling sorry for yourself, and get out here.”
“O-out here?”
“I’m waiting in the driveway. You have five minutes to stop sulking and get ready for school. Otherwise, I’m coming in, and I’ll drag you there myself even if you’re still in the shower,” he says, as he disconnects the call.
His words make me shiver despite his warning. I have no doubt he means every word he says, and even though I have no desire whatsoever to be dragged into school naked, my nipples pebble at the threat. If Slater stormed in here, would he even notice if I were naked? Would it stop him? Distract or maybe even tempt him?
These are not thoughts I should be having about my stepbrother.
But I can’t help how my body reacts.
My phone buzzes, and I look down to see a message from Slater.
I mean it, Cora. Don’t make me come in there. You won’t like what happens next.
Sighing, I decide today is not the day to push him. Instead, I race into the bathroom and have the world’s fastest sponge bath and brush my teeth, then head back to my bedroom to get dressed.
I’m just grabbing my school bag when the impatient blast of a car horn makes me almost trip and fall down the stairs. I race out of the house without my jacket, barefoot, with shoes and satchel in hand.
“You look a mess,” is all Slater says with a fierce scowl when I get into the car beside him.
“Well, sorry, some maniac decided to drag me out of bed with ten-minute notice! Give me fifteen next time, and I’ll come out in a ball gown.”
He huffs at that, but I swear I see the ghost of a smile on his lips, then he’s pulling off, and we spend the rest of the ride in silence. When we pull up to school, he doesn’t let me out at the gates but joins the line into the parking lot.
“What are you doing, Slater? You can just drop me off,” I sigh.
“Making sure you get to school okay.”
“Clearly I am,” I snipe.
“You’re not inside,” he replies.