I undo the black bow and lift the lid on the box. Inside, nestled on a bed of softly fragranced tissue paper, is a tiny lacy black thong.

It looks so delicate, I’m afraid to touch it, for fear of ripping it with my clumsy fingers.

“Umm, it’s beautiful. Thank you,” I tell Lizzy, a little confused by her gift.

“I have the matching bra for you too, but I know you were planning on going bra-free tonight, so I didn’t bother wrapping it. Every woman needs at least one stunning set of sexy undies to make her feel like a million dollars, and this is yours. Wear it tonight.”

“What? No. There’s no point. No one’s going to see it.”

“Doesn’t matter. These are for you. You look stunning in that dress, and everything else you’re wearing is brand new. Put it on.”

I grumble under my breath, but I’m only half protesting. She’s right, of course. I have a new dress, new shoes, and a new bag. Lizzy has helped me do my hair and makeup, and I do feel amazing. But I was disappointed that I didn’t get myself new underwear for tonight. I told myself it was an unnecessary, frivolous expense.

Now, as I slip into Lizzy’s bathroom to change my underwear, a thrill races through me. Idofeel like a million dollars, and the night feels full of possibilities.



Once we get to the dance, we meet up with Andrew and Slater, who shouldn’t really even be here. I expected him to ditch us tonight, but I guess not. He looks amazing in his all black suit and shirt, really fucking good, actually.

All the dark makes his blue eyes really pop.

“Cora, you look lovely,” Slater tells me when we approach. Andrew is all over Lizzy like a rash, and their PDA, along with Slater’s unexpected compliment, makes my cheeks heat.

“Thank you. So do you,” I reply honestly. There may be a lot of unresolved…stuff between me and Slater, but I think for one night I can play nice with him. He’s clearly making an effort with me, I just don’t know why.

“Shall we dance? Or would you like to get a drink first?”

“A drink would be great.” I’m not ready to be alone with him on the dance floor. Despite my resolve to get along tonight, alcohol loosens my tongue, and I might be tempted to ask all the questions that have been circling in my head all week.

“Come on then. Do you guys want a drink?” Slater asks Lizzy and Andrew. They break apart and come up for air, looking guilty.

“Umm, no. No, thanks. We’re just gonna dance some more,” Lizzy says, flushed.

“Is that what they’re calling it now?” I tease, but they’ve already gone back to their kissing. Slater chuckles, slips his hand in mine and tugs me across to the drinks table.

“Punch?” He offers me a plastic cup with a dubious looking, obnoxious smelling, fruit cocktail.

“Aren’t those things always spiked?”

“So?” He shrugs.

“It could be dangerous.”

“I thought you liked to live on the wild side, Cora?” Slater asks slowly, making my pulse spike.

“Who, me?” I laugh nervously. “No. I’m pretty safe…and boring.”

He moves closer, standing at my side, so that he can bend down to whisper in my ear and place his palm on the small of my back. The heat from his skin sears me even through the material of my dress.

“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true at all. I bet you have all sorts of secrets I could uncover.”

His words make me feel hot and clammy at the same time. But before I can say anything, he’s handing me a bottle of water with a smirk.

“Best have that then, miss sensible. I’ll catch you later.”

“Where are you going?” I ask, worried now that heisditching me.