I wonder if he knows it’s my birthday today? He hasn’t said anything at school all week, nor has he messaged me today. It’squite out of character for him. I think. It’s not like I know him all that well. But generally speaking, he’s quite persistent when he wants something, and with the dance tonight, I was hoping he might want to see me at least.

I don’t know.

It’s a school dance. It’s not like we could do anything. And I’m not sure I even want to. But still, the rejection and disappointment stings a little.

Sighing, I grab my bag that’s already packed for Lizzy’s and head downstairs. My mom gives me a ride over to her house, and the car doesn’t miss a beat once, the whole way. Looks like she managed to get the AC fixed and a service on it.

Some of the guilt in my chest eases a little.

Okay, so making that video for Victor wasn’t the nicest feeling in the world, but my mom was able to fix the car, and I don’t have to worry so much for her safety each time she drives to work.

It was worth it.

“Have a great time tonight, honey. Remember the pictures!” she calls as I climb out and close the door.

“Thanks! I will.”

I walk up to Lizzy’s front door, which is much nicer than my house, and ring the bell. We don’t have a bell, or a knocker, you just have to use your good old-fashioned fist to gain attention. But Lizzy’s house has one of those super fancy bells that plays a little jingle whenever you ring it.

When we were kids, I loved listening to all the different options and choosing a new one each time I came over. It used to drive her parents mad, but they still let me. When we hit our teenage years, Lizzy declared the bell to be embarrassing and lame, but I still kinda like listening to the tune.

“Hey, beautiful birthday bitch!” Lizzy cries, swinging the door open wide and launching herself at me.

I have to hold my dress bag to one side so she doesn’t crush and crinkle it while she hugs me.

She waves to my mom, who waves back, blows kisses, and drives off, and then she drags me inside.

“Come on! I want to give you your present. Ugh, I can’t believe it’s your eighteenth birthday, and you’ve not even had a proper drink yet.”

“It’s noon!” I laugh.

“Exactly, which means it’s past five somewhere in the world. It’s happy hour!”

I don’t bother to argue with her, letting her pull me through the house, up the stairs, and along the hall to her room.

Lizzy’s house is gorgeous. It’s not a mansion by any means, but it is large, modern, and comfortable. She never has to want for anything, and she certainly never has to worry about eating versus paying the bills. But she also never judges or pities me, which is why she is such a great friend.

Yeah, but you know she’d judge you if you told her where you were getting all your cash from all of a sudden.

I shake those thoughts from my mind and smile as Lizzy passes me a glass of champagne.

“I’ve never had real bubbly before.”

“Well, you only turn eighteen once, so I figured we should celebrate properly. Besides, there won’t be any alcohol at the dance tonight, so we should start the party early.”

I laugh. “Technically, you only ever turn each age once,” I point out. “But I’m not arguing. Thank you, this is amazing.”

Actually, it tastes like sour cat piss, or at least what I’d imagine that to taste like, but I’d never say anything to Lizzy. Champagne is expensive, and I don’t want to appear ungrateful.

I’ll just have this one glass and then switch to water. Despite Lizzy’s idea of partying hard tonight, I really want my wits about me for this dance. Especially if I see Victor.

A few hours – and a couple more glasses of champagne at Lizzy’s insistence – later, Lizzy and I are just about ready to head off to the dance, when my phone buzzes.


Meet me at the baseball field at nine. Dugout.

I hesitate for a second, torn. How will I sneak away from the dance? I don’t want to go out in the dark, traipsing across the field and ruining my shoes. So I make a decision and boldly text him back.