“Oh.” She licks her lips. “So… Love is not part of marriage here?”
“A pointless endeavor. Respect is all that matters.”
“I like that,” she says, nodding, and I get an odd sense of satisfaction from pleasing her in some small way.
“Anything else?” I ask.
She inhales a deep breath. “You must promise to begin searching for my friends the moment Ydris is safe. And that you’ll continue until they are found, whether alive”…she pauses and gulps…“or dead.”
“You have my word.” I put my fist to my heart.
“What does that mean?” she asks, mimicking the gesture.
“It’s an old warrior sign of respect. It means "in honor.”
“That’s beautiful,” she says. “Funny, it reminds me of a gang sign back home.”
“What aregangs?”
“Groups of people who commit crimes, usually in the name of some adopted family unit.”
“Ah, we have those in our galaxy as well. Pirates.”
“Yes! We have those, too, but they stick to the oceans.”
“Fascinating.” I stare off, considering what her world must be like. “This sign’s roots are only tied to positive acts. One day, I’ll tell you the history of it.” It’s strange to think Gwen will be here long enough for there to be a “one day”.
She mimics the sign again but keeps her fist flat. I move her hand, sliding it gently to the correct position.
She inhales sharply.
“Apologies. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“It’s okay,” she replies. “You’re just lucky I didn’t react with another pop to your nose.” She chuckles and runs her hand through her hair. I try not to stare.
“So… What’s next?” she says. “Do you formally ask me?”
“No. We meet with the legal advisors together, read the contract, make any adjustments, then sign it.”
“That’s it?”
I nod. “How do proposals go on Earth?”
“Traditionally, in my culture anyway, the one proposing gets down on one knee and offers an engagement ring when they asks their partner to marry them.”
“That sounds like a good way to get kneed in the face,” I say.
She laughs. “Usually the couple is in love when this happens, so that would be unlikely.”
“Loveas a basis for marriage?”
“Yeah. Dumb, right?. I like the Ydris way much better. Leave loveoutof it.”
She understands. “I believe we’ll get along just fine, Gwen.”
She bites her lip again and once again I’m drawn to her sensual mouth.