What’s up with that?
“Not very intelligent, is she,” he remarks.
“Hey!” I huff. Enough of this.
“She can understand you,” the octopus says. “I implanted the translator chip.”
They what now? Not cool. I don’t care if this sexy copper beast makes me all hot and bothered, no one does shit like that without my consent.
Copper Hottie leans down, reaching for me with one of his big meaty hands.
I see my chance.
I bring my knee to my chest and kick out as hard as I can at the bulge, connecting directly with his large package.
He grunts and falls to his knees, his eyes squeezing shut, cursing. There’s no translation this time. But I know a curse when I hear one.
Once he’s down, I grab his head and thrust my knee into his pretty face. He yells and grabs his nose.
“Commander!” yells Squidward.
I jump up before Copper Hottie can grab me, and try to take off, but I trip and fall onto my stomach with a cry. I’m struggling to get to my feet when a thick hand grabs my ankle.
“No!” I yelp. I try to kick him off, but soon the other hand latches onto my free leg.
“Why are you fighting me?” he grunts, still sounding in pain. “I won’t hurt you.” He pulls me closer as I try to raise up, pins my legs with his, then rests all his weight on my back. I squirm, but he pins my arms too.
Fuck, he’s heavy.
“Don’t be afraid, Gwen,” he says, his mouth close to my ear.
His voice sends a shiver throughout my entire body.
“I’m not afraid,” I whisper.
“But you are trembling,” he says.
“Got the tranq, Commander,” Squidward says.
Suddenly, something pricks my foot.
“No!” I can barely breathe, let alone move the mountain on top of me.
“Give it a moment,” the octopus says, his words getting farther and farther away…
The female goes limp, all the tension gone from her body.
I lie there for a moment, catching my breath, relishing the feel of her underneath me.
I feel a strange pull to her. Almost magnetic.
Like acraving…
“Commander,” interrupts Chom. “You need to get up or you’ll crush?—”