Page 31 of His Brazen Bride

AnOcrevvship? How did they hook their dirty claws into Gwen? Or did she take matters into her own hands and contact them herself?

My brazen bride. She’s nothing if not feisty to a fault. It’s one of the reasons I’m so enamored with her.

But this… This could get her killed.

Ocrevv don’t play fair.

“Did you know anything about this?” I ask him, after sprinting to the control room.

Zadren slams a fist to his chest, then bows so deeply that his horns touch the floor.

“Commander, I know nothing other than what I have learned in the last few moments. I may be Ocrevv by birth, but I am loyal only to you and the Queen, and the good people of Ydris. I swear?—”

“It’s all right, Zadren,” I say, smiling. “What did you learn?”

He straightens up again. “Her comm’s been shorted, but we were able to track its location just before that happened. She was right outside the Palace grounds at the west gate, facing the hedgestone. The guards say they saw an unidentified ship speeding away. They followed initially, but it disappeared. They were, however, able to extrapolate the trajectory. They’re heading to Qoth.”

I curse. Qoth is at the center of their planet conglomerate.

“We’re going after them. You and I. Tell Xi. She can manage in our absence.”

He nods. “Yes, Commander.”

“Ready the craft. If we leave immediately, we can catch them. I’m sure of it.”

But that’s about the only thing I’m sure of.

* * *

Zadren and I have only been airborne for a short time before we catch sight of the Ocrevv craft.

“Keep at this distance,” I say. “We don’t want them to see us.”

He punches commands into the ship’s control console. “We can stun the shields and board without them knowing right away. The electrical short will alert them, though.”

I point at the map. “But off to the right there’s a magnetic field. If they stay on this path they’re going to hit it. If we short it right then, they’ll think it’s the field that caused it.”

Zadren nods. “And we’ll have about ten mini moons to get in.”

“Plenty of time,” I say with a smile.

Inside, I’m not as composed, but there’s no time for hesitation. If the Ocrevv ship makes it to Qoth, I’d need armies to get Gwen back.

Zadren glances at me. “I admire what you’re doing, Commander.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “Don’t you think it’s time you started calling me Ryz?”

He stiffens. “The royal standard mandates that the Head of Security address you as Commander…Commander.”

I grin. “Sometimes a bit of rule breaking is a good thing. I’d prefer to go into this mission witha friendwho calls me by my given name.”

“Very well…Ryz,” he says, smiling hesitantly. “We’re coming up on the field. When you give the signal, I’ll send out the short.”

I stare out at the stars. “Sounds good.”