He chuckled and moved onto his side. She could sense him staring up at her. ‘What’s your star sign?’
Curious, she peered over the top of the pages at him. ‘I didn’t think you were the type to believe in all that stuff.’
‘I’m not, but my mum is, and she wants to know if you and I are compatible.’
Gabi dropped the book to the sand. ‘You told your mum about me?’
Mark grinned. ‘I didn’t have any choice. We were spotted at the pub on Saturday and somehow it got back to Eileen Brady—the town gossip, the one who sat next to me that first night at the circus. She thought it was her responsibility to tell my mother that I was cavorting with circus folk, so she called her, and Mum called me. Told you people would talk.’
‘Oh my God,’ she groaned, dropping her head into her hands. ‘And I thought circuses were bad. Nothing’s sacred on the lot; the caravan and trailer walls are so thin you can’t even sneeze without someone else hearing.’
He laughed.
‘I’m so sorry.’
‘It’s fine. I’m man enough to handle the gossips. And Mum. So, star sign?’
‘Aquarius—my birthday’s next month—but I hope you told your mother that it doesn’t matter whether the stars think we’re compatible or not because—’
He winked. ‘We already know we are.’
Heat flared in her cheeks again and she shook her head. ‘You’re incorrigible.’
‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ he said, gently linking his fingers through hers as if hoping she might not notice. This time she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. ‘How old will you be?’
‘Didn’t your mother teach you it’s not polite to ask a lady her age?’ She stared at their joined hands, wondering how such a simple act could feel so damn good.
‘Sorry. Forget I asked.’ His thumb drew a gentle circle on her skin.
Oh God!His work-hewn fingers felt like heaven on her skin. ‘I’m twenty-six, almost twenty-seven. How old are you?’
‘I’m twenty-nine. Thirty, end of September.’
‘Which makes you a Libran.’ And that meant their star signs were two of the most compatible. No wonder she couldn’t resist his charms.
He whistled. ‘Wow. You know your star signs. Mum wouldloveyou.’
‘Pity she’s never going to meet me,’ she retorted, reminding herself as much as him that this was nothing more than a summer fling.
‘Don’t worry.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘I told her we’re just friends.’
‘Mark!’ At Luna’s shout, Gabi snatched her hand out of his, hoping her daughter hadn’t seen. She and Rookie were hurrying towards them.
Unfazed, Mark gave a little wave. ‘What’s up?’
Luna perched her hands on her hips exactly the way Muriel always did and then glared at him. ‘I thought you said Rookie wasn’t trained.’
‘She’s not.’
Luna hmphed. ‘Then what do you call this?’ She pointed her finger at the dog. ‘Sit.’
Rookie immediately sat.
‘Just a fluke,’ Mark told her.
She held up her palm and lowered her fingers together. ‘Drop.’
Rookie dropped.