Page 44 of Outback Reunion

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, trying to keep the quiver out of her voice. ‘What I did that night was unfair. To you and to Dante.’

When he didn’t reply, she squeezed her eyes shut, willing the tears to stay put until she escaped the confines of his ute.

All the ease of the pub had gone, and they drove back in near silence. The generator would have been switched off hours ago, so the lot was dark when they arrived. Everyone would be fast asleep, exhausted from the day and knowing they needed rest in order to do it all again tomorrow.

‘How many times did you cheat on him?’ Mark asked, turning to her as he killed the ignition.

His question was like a cold, hard slap to her face.

‘Once. Just the once. With you.’ Her voice cracked on this last word, but she had to try and explain. ‘I don’t know what happened that night. I was feeling so restless—questioning a few things in my life—and I went out to get some fresh air. I promise I didn’t go out with the intention of sleeping with anyone, but then I met you. And we just clicked. I’ve never felt like I did that night. I’ve felt guilty about it ever since, but the truth is...’ She swallowed. ‘I couldn’t resist you. I’m sorry.’

The tears coming, she put her hand on the door to go, but Mark put his hand on her knee. ‘Gabriela.’

Heart thudding, she turned back to face him.

‘I guess I can understand,’ he said. ‘I mean, I am pretty irresistible.’

She laughed out her relief and a tear dripped down her cheek. ‘It’s true, you are, but I’m still sorry for not being honest.’

He lifted his hand to wipe away the tear and warmth spread from her cheek all through her body when his thumb lingered there a few seconds longer than necessary. ‘You don’t owe me an apology or an explanation. It was a long time ago. I’m just a bit tender because... Tahlia cheated on me.’

‘What?’Was she insane?‘That’s why you broke up?’

Mark shrugged. ‘Things weren’t so great before that, but it was the final straw. I guess I just hated the thought that I might have caused hurt to someone else—to Dante—but I know nothing is black and white, and to be honest, you’re kind of irresistible yourself.’

Gabi wasn’t sure if it were his words or his close proximity that stole the breath from her lungs and the sense from her head, but she found herself staring at his perfect lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss them again.

Would it be as explosive as she remembered?

Or had she imagined how good it was?

Maybe she wouldn’t even enjoy it now.

And then suddenly she wasn’t just staring but moving even closer, helpless against the magnetic pull, and he was also moving towards her. At first it was just a simple brush of two lips, a featherlight touch, but like petrol thrown on cinders, seconds later, it waseverything.

Mark traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, and she opened for him willingly, delicious sensations swimming through her as they all but devoured each other. Helpless against her lust, she slid her hands beneath his top, relishing the feel of his hard muscles rippling at her touch. One hand on the back of her neck, planting him to her, she moaned into his mouth as his other hand moved to her breast.

‘Oh, Gabriela,’ he groaned, his thumb tweaking her nipple through the thin cotton of her sundress.

She groaned right back. In her haste to get ready, she’d stripped off her leotard and not bothered with a bra before pulling on the maxi dress, which meant it almost felt as if he were touching her bare skin.

‘You’re so fucking gorgeous.’

Her nipple pebbled at his words, a shot of pure lust and desperate need pulsing between her legs. His touch on her breast wasn’t nearly enough. She was already ready for Mark to bury himself deep inside her and take her to heights she’d only fantasised about for the last eight years.

And he seemed to be right there on the same page.

His mouth moved from her lips to her neck, then gently teased the bare skin at her cleavage as his warm palm landed on her thigh, pushing up the thin material of her maxi dress to get access to exactly where she wanted him.Neededhim.

Gabi closed her eyes, her head flopping against the seat’s headrest as he found the apex of her thighs and palmed his hand against the soaking wet cotton of her panties.

‘You want me, don’t you?’ His fingers hadn’t even broached the barrier between them but already she felt her inner core muscles twitching in anticipation of the pleasure he could give.

She couldn’t lie. She couldn’t resist. She couldn’t speak.

She simply nodded.

Mark sucked in a breath as he pushed the cotton aside and dipped one finger inside her. ‘I want you too. I want you so fucking much.’