I swallowed, overcome with so much desire I worried I was making a mistake to even consider his suggestion.
Was I getting out of one bad situation and jumping to another?
This simply wasn’t me. Strange, hot men didn’t come up to me and give me bedroom eyes. They didn’t ask me out for a drink. In all my life, I’d never been propositioned like this, but then again, that was in Hamming. The boring, closed-minded, small town.
This was here, in the city, and I knew he wasn’t only asking me for a drink. Next door was a hotel.
This man wanted to have sex. Withme.
For the first time, I considered it. I'd never,everthought about sleeping with a man before I had a chance to get to know him first.
But this was a new me. I had a new job. A new home. If I was going to reinvent myself and live a life I’d only ever dreamed of, I may as well go all in.
“I’d like that…” I said, frowning when I didn’t have a name to tack on the end.
I hurried to put my hand over his mouth. “No.” I smiled. “No names. No details.” It seemed like a damn dream, encountering this man, and I didn’t want any reality to trickle in and ruin it.
I was going to have my first one-night stand with a stranger. It would be a memory to hold on to forever, and the more mystery I kept to it, the better.
He nodded, reaching up to hold my hand and kiss my palm. “All right. No names. No details,” he agreed.
My breath hitched at his warm lips on my palm. I couldn’t wait to feel them everywhere.
“Except this one,” he said, urging me to walk away from the bar with him. “What drink would you like to celebrate over?”
Hell, I didn’t need one now. I was already drunk on the thrill of knowing this man wanted me. Tempted to let loose and embrace the spontaneity that he inspired in me, I looked up at him and bit my lower lip. “I could think of another way to celebrate instead…”
His eyes turned dark as he held my hand. Squeezing my fingers tighter, like he couldn’t stand the thought of losing me in this crowd, he hurried me to exit with him.
What is happening?
I couldn’t remember the last time I got laid. Months ago, at least. And I sure as hell couldn’t recall when I picked up a woman at a bar just to hook up in a hotel room. Maybe never.
I didn’t have a night to spare. John had already called it a night, citing the need to sleep for a full eight hours for once before the start of a work week. He told me that I should do the same. I didn’t need him to remind me that I should rest up. Tomorrow would be an important day, the first one that would mark my attempt to get Gammon as a client. The first day toward becoming CEO.
Taking this stranger next door was the last thing I needed to do. Impulsive decisions weren’t my style.
But there was no way I could resist. One look into her bright green eyes, and I was suckered. She spoke so softly, almost nervously, and I knew this wasn’t a routine for her. I was a good judge of character, and she was just as intimidated to take this leap with me, a stranger she’d just met.
Yet, she was bold to go for what she wanted.
Nothing could explain this raw, magnetic pull that had me leading her onto the sidewalk. No force of nature could be to blame for this spontaneous urge to take her into a room and fuck her brains out.
It was all I could think of. Since meeting her moments ago, it seemed nothing could enter my mind.
“Oh, yeah?” I asked of her daring suggestion to consider an alternative for celebrating. “And what is that?” I didn’t slow as we entered the hotel. My grandmother owned this building, and I had an executive suite always at the ready. Waving my hand at the doorman was enough of a greeting. Once I had this irresistible blonde in the elevator, I pressed the code for my floor. “How else could we celebrate?”
She licked her lips, tormenting me with the show of them glistening with moisture. Too easily, I could see them wet from my kisses, maybe even from my cum as she went down on me. They parted, and I just knew she could read the desire that I didn’t try to hide on my face.
I stared at her, wondering if she was a dream, if this was real. The way she’d just shown up and captivated me couldn’t be mere lust, simple desire. I had never felt such an immediate and strong draw to a woman like this before.