“I doubt that,” he whispers, giving my nipple another tweak.
“Lucy is watching!”
“Lucy is reading the book I lent her. Now push harder with your arms. The more water you push back, the faster you’ll be able to swim and the more noise you’ll make covering up all the squeals.
“I’m not squealing!” I hiss out, but as I thrash my arms and legs, he runs his finger over my nipple and slips another finger into the bottom of my swimsuit and strokes my clit. I clamp my lips together determined to not make a sound in case Lucy happens to look up. I don’t know what water looks like, but I’ve always had it described to me as transparent, as in Lucy would be able to see everything if she decided to look up. I’m mortified as my treacherous body reacts to his touch and it’s getting harder and harder to concentrate on all the instructions he’s shouting at me.
If I really had to rely on swimming to save my own life, I’m pretty sure I’d drown in a heartbeat.
“Stop,” I hiss as my body begins to take any sense from me.
“Do you really want me to let go?”
I hate how easy this is for him. Humiliation fills me as I realize he has complete control. He knows I don’t want him to let me go, even though he told me we are only in waist deep water, but I can’t have an orgasm in front of my sister. It would be way too humiliating, even if I am doing everything in my power to hide what my treacherous body is doing...what Nolan is doing to me.
And then I can’t do anything. My legs tense up and a wave of pleasure sweeps over me. I let out a cry that I know Lucy heard. It was hardly subtle. I ride out the wave, both loving it and hating it until all the stress has seeped for my body. As my body goes floppy, I angle away from Mercier, falling from his grip and once again submerge into the water. In a panic, I grab the one thing I can reach, pull myself up to the surface and hold on for dear life. The orgasm might have calmed me down, but not enough to override the complete and utter terror I feel at being underwater.
She’s clinging onto me again, but now her legs are round my waist, her bikini bottoms lined up right against my cock. Does this girl know what she’s doing to me? Surely no one can be as innocent as she makes out, even after two decades of solitude.
“Lucy will have me on a boat so fast after that stunt,” she pants, her expression panicked. She’s fucking adorable with her flushed cheeks and embarrassed expression.
“Relax. She left five minutes ago to go to the bathroom. She didn’t see how beautiful you were when I made you come.”
I slide my arms around her waist and slip them into the back of her bikini bottoms and cup her beautiful ass. Either she doesn’t mind, or the fear of letting go of me is too much to chance complaining about it.
I pull her hard toward me, so she definitely can feel how much I want her. She gasps and her head once again turns to where Lucinda was sitting moments before.
“She’s not there.” I whisper in her ear, and she relaxes slightly in my arms.
I’m not sure I’ll ever understand this girl and that’s what I like about her. She’s obviously petrified that her sister is watching her at her most vulnerable, but she knows she can touch the floor and walk to the edge of the pool if she only puts her feet down. It makes me wonder what else she’s kept hidden from her sister. What dark secrets are you keeping all to yourself, Sinful?
“What did you think about when you were in your room at Waldgrave House when you finger fucked yourself?” I ask.
Her cheeks turn a deeper pink as I rub my cock against her entrance. Only the thin fabric of her bikini and my shorts between us.
“I didn’t,” she answers shyly.
Fuck this girl. How can anyone be so damn coy when they are responding to having a cock rubbed against them? There’s no way it’s my imagination or the movement of the surrounding water. She’s matching my rhythm, rubbing herself against me. If not for our respective bathing attire, I’d be inside her, fucking her until she screamed out my name.
“You didn’t think of anything?” I ask in amazement. “Not even your pretend soap opera boyfriends? You never wondered what their dick might feel inside you?”
She chews on her lips and adopts her coy look once again. “I don’t mean I never thought about anyone. I never, you know.”
“You never masturbated?”
“My first orgasm was the one you gave me,” she admits, the pink in her cheeks deepening.
Fuck yeah! A smug elation washes over me at her minor revelation. I love how that makes me feel. I’ve fucked virgins before, but usually it’s a quick fumble and then I kick them out, but knowing I was the first person to make Sinful come is a fucking joy like nothing else.
And I’m going to do it again, no matter what Dacre promised Lucinda. With one hand still holding her up by her ass, I pull her slightly away from me, maneuvering her around so she has to let go of her clamp like grip with her legs. My cock really fucking hates me as the pressure against it subsides and she stands straight in the water.
“Hey. How’s it going?” Lucinda calls out, her voice echoing with genuine curiosity. “Have you swum yet?”
Sinful startles, a nervous jolt coursing through her. She swiftly strides away from me, the movement so abrupt it verges on comical. Her eyes meet Lucinda's, a hesitant smile playing on her lips. “Not yet.”