Page 100 of King of Tides

“Why are you giving this to me now?”

“This is a gift for your training. Your service weapon is of no use here or in the times to come. You will need something to match who you are,” he explains.

“I’m going to stop you there. This … this is not me. I’d probably chop off a finger before I did any damage to anyone else. I’m good with my fists and gun. I always hit my target.

“As many Bruce Lee movies as I watched as a kid, I know I ain’t him. Thank you, but you can take this back. It will only collect dust in the back of my closet if I take it with me. Give it to someone else who can put it to use,” I say as I close the latches back. Then I mumble under my breath. “If you can find someone in this century.”

This thing feels ancient. I’m no Samurai and I don’t think I’m about to become one. I still don’t know what made me use those ice ninja stars.

“This weapon will only respond to you and it’s so much more than meets the eye. My assassins and I can show you how to use it. Join us just once and see how it feels.”

“Can I think about it?”

He throws his head back and gives a throaty laugh. The sound is soothing and forces me to want to let my guard down. However, he moves in that measured pace to lace his fingers together, not closing his palms.

My curiosity is piqued as laugh lines that weren’t there before appear around his eyes making him look older and more relaxed. It softens his face, giving a gentler appearance.

“The two of you are just alike. Ardan can be stubborn too. He is used to being independent like you.

“My friend has never asked his brothers for help. He has learned to adapt to be everything to everyone—no matter the toll it has taken on himself.

“He will split himself in two to accomplish his goals, literally. Of the four brothers, he’s the one who has mastered being in two places at one time.

“Why? Because he doesn’t want to look weak to the others. He doesn’t want to fail. I don’t think he realizes the strength it takes to wield a dual presence,” Kenji says.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I see Ardan struggling. He wants to allow you to find your way to him in your own timing, but he needs you. He needs all of you.”

I tilt my head and narrow my eyes at him. He gives me a bright smile. Folding my arms over my chest, I sit back in my seat and purse my lips.

“Okay, I hear what you’re saying, but I’m catching what you’re not. What is it you know about me that you’re trying to spin?”

His smile grows so wide it looks unreal. I begin to feel as if I’ve just stepped into his trap. Ardan’s warnings fill my head.

“Do you not feel it? You have been walking with it all this time.” He pauses and tilts his head to mirror mine. “Has Ardan told you much about me?”

“He has shared some.”

“You understand I have the power to manipulate and transfer spirits.”

“I was told your assassins relinquish their souls to you,” I reply.

“Ah, yes. They do, but I can give them back or place them in another vessel.”


“Some spirits just need the right vessel to flourish in life. A pure heart with pure intention can make the difference when it comes to a moral compass.

“Vengeance looks different with the right heart. True power looks different in the hands of the right being.”

“So the riddles have begun. He told me about those too. I’m a straight shooter, Kenji. I’d respect you more if you did the same with me.”

It happens so fast, I’m not sure what’s going on at first. He repeats all the movements with his hands, but in a much faster pace. Then he stands.

“Intikam, it is time. Speak,” he says.

“Hello, young master. You have become so much stronger. Can you feel me now?” A voice says loudly in my head.