Page 95 of King of Tides

“That seems to be a running theme here.”

“It will be an honor to train here in the Ji Dojo during our stay. I’m most excited about it. Master Kenji and his assassins are legendary in our world.

“Each assassin is handpicked by Master Kenji himself and it’s very rare that he’ll pick a male. When he does it’s an honor to that male’s entire bloodline, even if another isn’t picked from that family. Other factions will recognize the status, and it leads to great opportunities,” he says excitedly.

“Sounds like I might just lose you after all. I guess I can learn to live with the silent, broody type.”

“Although it was once a dream to train within these walls to be one of the puppet master’s assassins, I’m right where my fate intended. I would have you know Ren is quite talkative when you get to know him. He’s still figuring out his place with you. We all are.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I’m beginning to realize I still have so much to learn about this world and the communities within it. There are so many moving parts.

I want to be a part, but I still don’t know how to make that happen. This is totally outside my wheelhouse. Not just the supernatural world but wanting to be involved.

I mean, I’m trying. Ardan left after my morning blessing to guard the location of the stone. When I asked for a shift, I was told no, much to my annoyance.

However, Ardan did get this look in his eyes as if he wanted to say more, but he shook it off and changed the subject.

“This is the boys’ training room. Hudson and Arledge are on their way. You can let us know if you need anything else,” Dracon says, pulling me from my musings.

“Okay, thanks. Try to relax. I’m not going anywhere.”

With a smile, I punch Dracon’s arm playfully as I walk by to enter the little training room. The smile on my face grows as the boys come into view in their little gear with their wooden swords.

I look around to take it all in and freeze. I take in a sharp breath and narrow my eyes as I place my hands on my hips. Is this why he didn’t want to bring me along?

“Well damn. This motherfucker.”


“Thank you,”I say as one of Kenji’s servants brings me a cup of tea.

It is a part of his hospitality. My team will not go hungry or thirsty in his dojo. Everyone within these walls will be treated with respect and kindness as long as we are here.

“You are welcome, King Ardan. Is there anything else I can get you,” the woman says as she bows slightly.

“No. We are fine.”

I look around at everyone standing guard with me. Whoever thinks they can waltz in here and take my stone has to be powerful. As we took this into consideration, Kenji and I agreed we would split the shifts up between him, myself, and Amadeus.

We will each guard the stone with a team with us. This morning, I have Irving, Ford, and Ren from Billy’s guard with me. As well as a few of the assassins since they know the dojo best.

Kenji has truly modernized the dojo from what I’ve seen, but there are still areas that remind me of old times as they have remained the same. I spent a lot of time here back when I was trying to find myself.

Not knowing if I should follow the plans my brothers were making for themselves, I spent time with Kenji. It didn’t feel right to be away from them, but I was too restless to remain in one place all the time. Which is funny, considering how much time I spent here.

“Fuck me,” I grunt and take a step back.

Everyone around me becomes alert. I hold up a hand to ward them off. This has nothing to do with intruders.

I feel the moment Billy’s ire sets in. It hits me like a freight train and the door to her thoughts blasts open, sucking me in.

It would bring a smile to my face if she weren’t so angry. I know I can’t put this off, so I mind-link Amadeus and Kenji to see who can replace me.

Kenji appears and I vanish without a word. My mate’s anger draws me right to where she is. When I enter the training room, she’s standing with her back to me and her hands on her hips.

I walk up behind her and cage her into my arms. She stiffens and her thoughts continue to blast me as she curses me out in her head. I give her a squeeze and kiss the back of her neck.