Page 8 of King of Tides

Then something catches my eye from behind me. It’s creeping forward slowly. I open my mouth, trying to warn myself as the creature rises up behind me.

However, I can’t make a sound. I blink a few times, trying to make sure I’m seeing what I think I am. I’m frozen as I watch what looks like a huge dragon floating behind me before my eyes.

The thing looks like something out of some Japanese artwork. It seems to be glowing, giving off a blue hue. It’s large and menacing looking, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to attack.

The dragon is observing me floating before it, much like I’m doing them. I tilt my head as I process what’s happening. The me before me turns and reaches up to place a hand on the side of the dragon’s face.

The two look familiar with each other. In my confusion, I take the creature in some more. It’s much bigger than I originally thought. I can now see its body fully. It has large wings resting against its sides and a long body with a tail floating behind it.

Suddenly, the dragon’s underbelly begins to glow brighter than the rest of it. Out of nowhere, it opens its wings and engulfs me within them. I cover my face with my arm as a blinding light emits from where they are.

I gasp as I pop back into my body and I’m back in the gym shower. I look around frantically. I’m still alone as the water cascades down on me.

I think I’m losing my mind.

My heart is racing and I’m more confused than ever. I make quick work of my shower, wanting to go home and get some sleep. This is getting out of hand.

What the hell is wrong with me?


I needed this ride.I’m in a shit mood. I spent the morning handling club business just to have Ricci summon me to handle some shipment coming into the docks for him.

I grow tired of this shit. I’ve wanted to be done with the Ricci family for decades now. In all honesty, I resent ever being locked into servitude in the first place.

If only I had done as Kendrick asked and been on time that night so long ago. The ’20s were a fun time for me. I had to be in the mix of things. Running with stars and legends like Babe Ruth, Charlie Chaplin, Duke Ellington, Josephine Baker, Coco Chanel, and Al Capone—who had no idea what I was—had been fun. Times were changing and I was right in the center of that change.

I was more interested in a good time than being where my brother asked me to be. I fucked up royally that night. When you bind one brother, you bind us as a bloodline. You don’t get one; you get us all.

I’ve accepted that as my punishment for leaving Kendrick vulnerable that night, but Bradan and Reilly didn’t deserve this. I will forever feel responsible for what has happened to my brothers. However, the only thing that can fix this now is for all four of us to find our mates.

“That seems like it’s never going to happen,” I mutter to myself as I pull into the docks and head for the loading area the Iron Brothers own.

Amadeus, the captain of the merfolk, usually handles all dealings we have down at the docks. However, Ricci wants me to make sure everything goes smoothly with this particular delivery. I loathe that guy.

After coming to know real gangsters in my past, I can’t find it in me to hold an ounce of respect for that asshole. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is. If it weren’t for me and my brothers, he would have lost everything his father and those before him built a long time ago.

I pull up to the main office, where I know I will find Amadeus and cut the engine. Swinging my leg over my bike, I roll my shoulders back and take a look around. I can tell the human workers from the mermen.

It’s never hard to tell the difference, at least not for me. Merfolk have a glow about them. It comes from the energy they pull from the atmosphere.

“Hello, brother,” one of the workers says in Mermish, the merfolk language—not to be confused with Aquan, the language of the royal merfamily and ancient water folks.

His name is Conway. He’s one of the brothers and spends enough time at the clubhouse for me to know him by name and face. From what I’ve seen, he has a thing for one of the water fairies. I give him a nod as I continue to head into the warehouse.

Despite the rumors and myths, merfolk aren’t weakened when on land. They’re magical beings. Their magic is always at work. When outside of water, their magic pulls from the moisture of the atmosphere. There’s always moisture in the air.

Sometimes more than others. You’re just not likely to find them in Vegas, Arizona, or any type of desert. As long as they can pull from that moisture, they can survive just fine on land.

However, we thought it wiser to protect their species by starting the myth centuries ago that they need to be in water, or they become weak and can die.

Amadeus is one of the oldest of his kind. I’ve known his father before him and a long line of fathers before him. They all come from noble blood, direct descendants of Kenji, one of my most trusted friends—not a merman, but born of their blood.

His mother was the daughter of the original merking, back when merfolk were known as sirens or water nymphs. His father was a shapeshifting trickster with the gift of alchemy.

That’s what makes Amadeus the perfect captain for his people. He’s the first in several generations to display the talents of Kenji and his parentage. In addition, he and his fathers before him have been loyal for as long as we’ve had ties with them.

I step into the main office of the warehouse as Amadeus steps from his office while speaking with one of the young mermaids. Kai is his assistant and one of the fiercest warriors among his people.