If I hadn’t been in my feelings already about him saying he loves me, I probably would have. That’s why I invited him into the ring with me. I know he can’t use magic in front of a bunch of humans so this should be fun.
“Do you always spar with males?” Ardan asks as he tapes my hands for me.
“Most of the time,” I say as I smile up at him. “Sometimes there aren’t any women around on my skill level. I have no choice but to spar with the guys.”
“Billy, sport. It’s good to see that face,” Mack croons as he appears.
“Hey, Papi. I want you to meet Ardan. Ardan, this is my father, Mack,” I say.
Ardan turns to look at Mack and Mack cranes his neck to look up at him. His mouth drops open and he knits his brows. Ardan holds his hand out and Mack slowly lifts his for him to take.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve learned so much about you,” Ardan says.
I roll my eyes. I allowed him into my memories of growing up with Mack before we arrived. I could feel how happy that made him.
“It’s nice to meet you. Although I haven’t learned much about you. She’s allowing you to tape her hands for her. That means a lot. Billy doesn’t allow anyone to do anything for her,” Mack says as if he’s in awe.
“That’s not entirely true,” I protest.
“It is,” Ardan chuckles.
“Yes, it is,” Mack says at the same time.
I fold my arms over my chest and glare at the two. “Are we getting in the ring or not?” I say, ignoring them both.
“Let’s go.”
Ardan makes quick work of taping his own hands as he chops it up with Mack. I relax as Mack seems to take to Ardan. My heart feels like it’s going to come out of my chest as Ardan talks of human things and acts as if he’s some normal guy.
I don’t know why I’m so surprised he would do this for me. In the last three weeks, he has done so much for me just to make me happy.
We go to step into the ring, but Mack stops me before I get too far. I tense up, not sure what he’s about to say. I look at him and he smiles back at me.
“I like him. He’s tall as fuck, but he’s a good guy. You look happy. I’m glad you’ve let someone in.”
I cup his face and smile. “It has never been my intention to shut you out. I respect you, Papi, and it means a lot that you approve of him.”
“He cares for you. I can tell from the way he looks at you. A biker,” he snorts. “You are full of surprises.”
“I guess I am.”
I laugh and kiss him on the cheek then go to climb in the ring as Ardan holds the ropes open for me. Once in the ring, Mack calls for us to start the fight. I’m annoyed that Ardan is taking it easy as if I’m a fragile doll.
At least, it seems like he is. I’m shocked when I land two body shots. It happens so fast. I block Ardan’s first punch, but the next one connects with my side and buckles me.
“Damn. Shake it off, Billy. You’re doing great. You’re moving more fluidly, but that’s a damn good right he has,” Mack says.
“Are you all right?”Ardan says in my head as I try to catch my breath.
“I’m fine. Don’t baby me. I can’t get better if you’re not going to challenge me.”
“Billy, I’m not holding back as much as you think. I’ve never seen you fight before, but I don’t think you’ve ever performed like this. Maybe we should take a break. I can feel your power rising.”
“Is that a bad thing? I feel great,”I say as I circle him.
“There is something we call peaking. It’s when our magic rises to a level that’s greater than the normal level we naturally operate in. That isn’t safe in this environment.
“Not to mention, you could reveal yourself. It is against the by-laws for you to reveal yourself in front of humans. For the safety of the humans here, I say we end this match,”he replies.