I give them a good squeeze back. I don’t know why, but I get the feeling this is exactly what they’ve been needing. I kiss the top of each of their heads.
“Have you eaten?”
“No, we were waiting for you,” Beck replies.
“Well, then. Let’s eat.”
“You’re not going to come see your surprise?” Bourne asks.
“It can wait,” Ardan says.
I turn to look up at him. He gives me a mischievous smile, causing me to lift a brow at him as I shake my head. I can only imagine what he has added to our little apartment this time.
Our apartment. When did I start thinking of it as that? My heart swells as I wonder if the surprise is a bedroom for the boys to come live with us.
“What are you thinking, pretty one?”
I haven’t opened my mind to him this morning, so he looks at me curiously as my emotions must reach him through our link. I bite my lip and shake my head.
“I might tell you later,”I reply.
He smiles back at me and kisses me on the lips. The boys start to make noises of disgust before taking off for the dining room table. I stand watching them and their excitement.
I’m still trying to find their dirtbag uncle, but I’ve come up empty. Ardan hasn’t had any luck either. He actually told me to stop digging and allow him to handle it.
If I have it my way. I’m going to find him and then Ardan can do whatever he wants with him. As the boys’ laughter fills the space, I double down on that promise.
The little titanshave passed out for a nap on our couch after Billy and I have played with them for most of the afternoon. I’ll be sending them back to the oasis realm when they wake.
“Do they have to go back?” Billy asks as if reading my thoughts.
I take a seat in the accent chair and tug her into my lap. I love how she snuggles into me. She’s becoming more open to me with each day.
There’s no way I’m allowing her to spend a night away from me. I almost lost it last night when she tried to go back to her old place. I’ve been working to make this our home.
I come out of my thoughts to answer her question as she settles in my hold. “Yes, that realm helps to contain them. What you saw would have been much worse if it happened here. Like I told you, we don’t know the lasting effects Reilly stripping their magic will have.”
“I hope it isn’t causing any real damage.”
“You’re not alone. Reilly will be able to heal them to some degree, but if it’s bad enough, there would only be so much he could do,” I say in frustration.
“That makes me sad. They’re so cute and seem so lonely. I want to visit them more often. You know, wake up earlier and spend mornings with them or something.”
“My queen already wants to take care of her people.” I nod and kiss her forehead. “I think they would like that, but I’m sending them away to stay with a friend for a little bit. I think it’s best now that I know Bardo is still alive and could be the one behind causing the problems.”
“Will that be safe?”
“I’m sending them to live with trained assassins and one of the most powerful immortals I know. Kai will be traveling with them. They will be safer than ever.”
She opens her mouth as if she’s going to say something, then closes it and shakes her head. “I don’t want to know. Supernatural shit. Not my business or jurisdiction.”
I laugh and tighten my arms around her. “I will take you there someday and you will see they are needed in this world. Not at all what you’re thinking.”
“Not my business,” she sings.
She rolls her shoulders and sighs. I reach to massage her neck. It’s hard not to always want to touch her.