The asashin are holding their own, but this being keeps a slight upper hand although it seems like they are taking care not to kill anyone.
Just when I think the assassins are about to close in, a light comes out of nowhere and the figure and the stone vanish. Time seems to spend forward as I continue to watch on. The stone reappears and the vault door closes.
I pause the vision and run it back to replay it in slow motion. There … right there. I can see the threads of magic to know this was a trickster’s work. It’s not Kenji’s signature, but it’s someone who has his skills.
It sinks in that the stone has been gone the entire time I’ve been here. I release a roar that rises from my toes and shakes the ground beneath my feet.
“Thank you,”I say as I take the bottle of water offered to me after my training session. I just got finished fighting off twenty of Kenji’s best.
The next group will be starting soon, but I have time to catch my breath. The sun is beaming down in the courtyard we train in. It’s been nice enough to train outdoors lately.
As I get lost in thought, I amble over to have a seat. I start to think about that prophecy Ardan got from Kendrick the last time they had church.
I’ve read it multiple times, but I’m still not sure what it means. Intikam’s interest has been piqued each time I review it. Which I find very interesting.
I take a gulp of water as I sit on a bench under a cherry blossom tree. At least I finally know what’s coming. A war. A war of gods at that, but I don’t know what that means for all of us.
I can’t believe it’s been three months since we’ve been here. It’s strange but I miss home. I haven’t spoken to my sisters much. I’m assuming they are all as busy as I have been.
Mack checks in once a week. I think he’s starting to worry that Ardan has kidnapped me. I’ll have to go see him as soon as I get back. Ardan has been toying with heading back soon since there haven’t been any disturbances, and the stone is safe.
My suspension was extended as if I give a fuck. I have truly been wondering why I’m still a cop. Monsters get away with murder even when I nail them dead to rights.
I’m so tired of walking onto crime scenes to find babies as victims—that goes for young teens as well as small children. With the power I have now, I can do so much more good in the world.
“Mom, Mom,” Bourne and Beck call as they come running out to the training area where I am.
I wipe a hand under my nose to clean the blood off. Looking down, I find there are a few nicks on my arm, but they will heal up. I did a whole lot worse to the other side.
If I hadn’t taken so long to call for my weapon, I probably wouldn’t be this banged up. Once I see there’s nothing too alarming going on with me, I open my arms with a smile for the boys to run into them. They are growing so fast. These are not the same little boys I first met on that dais.
“Hey, what’s all the excitement about?”
“We finished training early today. Dad said if we were good and got our worksheets done and finished our training, we could have ice cream and watch a movie with Ren and Ford,” Bourne says excitedly.
Ardan has begun to allow them to call him Dad. I don’t know who is happier about that. They haven’t call him King Ardan since.
Some days I think they call him Dad just because they love the way it sounds. Same with calling me Mom. Their little faces light up with the words.
“Wow, that sounds like fun. Too bad I still have another session. I’m going to miss out on the movie.”
“We will save you a seat for when you’re done,” Beck says giving me a cute little smile.
“Aw, thank you. We’ll see what happens.”
“Training is important. We understand,” Bourne says.
I give him a smile and ruffle his hair. He’s not wearing his ponytail today, causing his long blond locks to spill in his eyes. So stinking adorable.
“I heard you two are going for your next belt with Master Kenji this evening. You two might have to become my tutors.”
They both laugh and hug me. Intikam sighs in my head. I can feel the love it has for the two of them. I once thought Intikam was a male spirit, but as of late I haven’t been sure.
There’s this maternal instinct that comes from the spirit. Male, female, Intikam is a protector and nurturer. I think we both want to see these two happy and healthy.
“Speaking of your dad, have you seen him?” I ask, hoping the four of us can have lunch together after my next session.