Page 106 of King of Tides

I grind my teeth bitterly. My emotions begin to rage. I didn’t have time to deal with any of my personal feelings.

“Get a grip. This is not the time. The gods don’t make mistakes. You will have time to lick your wounds after our job is done,” Kenji snaps.

I growl. Not at him but to gather my emotions and reel them in. He is right, I will be able to address the problem later.

I begin to weave the threads needed to sure up the illusion of Kai. Grandfather wanted someone I know and trust here with me. Someone who’s also a warrior who can watch my back. That could only be Kai, so she has to be here—no matter how awkward the situation.

“Very nice. The illusions are stronger than before. You learn fast. Your powers are growing stronger.

“You should be able to relax now. Have some tea. You must keep up your strength.”

I open my eyes to find my grandfather sitting across from me with his own teacup in hand. He sips at it as he looks over the cup at me.

“How much longer?” I take a chance and speak.

“Tanri will let us know when. We are almost there. The journey is almost complete.”

“Let’s hope we still have a friend when this is over.”

“We will,” Kenji says with that wolfish grin he gets.

I’m not so sure he’s right, not after what has been done to his mate.

I Am Here

“Good night,” Beck yawns.

Bourne is still brooding over losing at chess as he lies bundled in his bed. I’ve already had a talk with him about being a sore loser. He reminds me so much of Bradan when we were little.

“Good night, buddy. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Tell Queen Billy I said good night and I’ll see her tomorrow,” Beck says.

“Why don’t you tell me yourself?” I turn and do a double take.

Billy is standing in the doorway dressed in a tight black minidress. She has on these sexy black heels that wrap around her ankles, running up her calves like jeweled coils. The straps across her feet are jeweled too.

“Billy,” Bourne coos and perks up. He opens his arms and sits up.

The little stinker. He wouldn’t even talk to me a moment ago. Billy goes over and sits on his bed, and he wraps himself around her neck. She hugs him tightly and he melts into her.

I can’t even get upset. I think Bourne is the one who needs Billy most. That little temper of his might be a concern in the future.

She kisses the top of his head and ruffles his hair. Bourne kisses her on the cheek. “You look pretty and you smell nice like Mommy used to.”

“Thank you, Bourne. Are we still on for our date tomorrow. I’m ready to bake some cookies,” she croons as she palms his little face.

“I will be ready. I’m going to be a good helper so I can get extra cookies,” he says with a smile.

“That means you need to go to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Good night, sweetheart.”

“Good night, Mo … Queen Billy,” he says, catching himself before calling her Mommy.

I close my eyes and stifle a groan. This is what I knew would happen. I can’t put this talk off any longer.

“Night, Beck.”

“Night, Queen Billy. See you in the morning,” he replies sleepily.