“The weapon will become whatever you will it to be. Sword or swords, bow and row, pistols, what will you choose to get us out of this?”
“Let’s find out,”I reply and choose my weapon.
I stand up straighter and toss the naginata in the air to catch the handle at a lower angle. I then press the release to separate the blades. Willing my power through it, a chain forms betweenthe two blade handles. I grab the chain with my free hand and begin to spin the loose end.
The assassins move into action. One runs at me, dodging the spinning blade. She drops to her knees and leans back as she slides at me with her own blades in hand. I don’t even flinch.
I elongate the blade that I’m using as my anchor. The sharp edge extends right through her side like a lengthened shard of ice. I stump down on her and turn the blade before I pull it out.
“Good, no mercy. Well done,” Kenji croons.
I don’t have time to gloat in his praises. I swing the chain as I lengthen the links once again and slice through the other two without giving them a chance to attack.
Kenji claps his hands as if I didn’t just obliterate three of his assassins without batting a lash. Not that they were permanently taken out of commission. Kenji will fix them up and they will be back to training in no time.
“Very good, Billy. You have shown great progress,” Kenji says with a bright smile. “How do you feel?”
“I feel great. Intikam is starting to feel like a part of me. Like more of a thought than another being.”
“Ah, this is good.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I think I understand what you’re not telling me. Intikam was not a gift from you. It is a gift from the gods but why?”
“Beautiful and smart. Let’s see if you can figure it out,” he replies. “A master creator was once in the middle of weaving perfection. His work was interrupted and only two of his creations were completed. He then had to make away to finish the other two master pieces, but all of his old tools were forbidden from his use.”
“I should have known you weren’t going to give me a straight answer. Your riddles suck, by the way.”
He releases a roar of laughter. “What would be the sense if they were simple? What kind of trickster would that make me?”
He freezes and his eyes begin to glow white. I gasp and step forward to reach out to him but he holds a hand up to stop me. I drop my hand and wait for him to tell me what’s going on.
When his eyes stop glowing, he has a frown on his face. I get the feeling this isn’t good. He looks pissed.
“What is it? Is it the stone?”
“It’s the scumbags trying to work their way around my barriers. They have been trying harder and more frequently these last couple of days,” he bites out.
“You mean whoever is trying to reach the boys.” He gives a curt nod. “What can I do? How can I help?”
“You are doing what you can for now. Their hearts are filled with happiness these days.”
“Is that really enough?”
“You will play your part when the time is right. For now, you and Ardan have words that have not been spoken but linger in the air.”
I look down at my feet. I have worked with Kenji to come up with the perfect date. It took some time for me to learn enough about Ardan, to come up with something I know he will enjoy.
I’ve learned so much about his past and eras he enjoyed most. I finally felt like I had it nailed two weeks ago, but something keeps coming up when it’s time for me to surprise him with the date. I’ve gotten my hopes up so many times only to have them deflated.
“Tonight will be the night. I’ve ensured there will be no distractions,” Kenji says as if reading my mind.
“Thank you.”
“As I told you before, you are family.” He gives my arm a gentle squeeze. “I am going to my meditation chambers.