Seasoned Warriors
“Billy and I will train together,” Lee says before anyone else can make assignments.
Ray and Taylor walk off together without asking any further questions, as they have already been in their own little bubble together. I roll my eyes at them and turn my attention back to Lee.
I look at her curiously. She has an unassuming look about her. I won’t say she can kick my ass and I wouldn’t say she can’t.
In all honesty, I’m not sure I or any of my sisters truly know how to use our magic in battle, which is what this training session is about.
“I will bind you for now, but I still want you to be careful,” Reilly says to Lee.
Ardan frowns. “No magic for today. Let them hone their combat skills. Let’s see what comes naturally to them.”
“Billy and I will display seasoned warrior skills,” Lee says and lifts her head. “But Ardan is right. She and I don’t need to use magic today.”
“How do you know I will have skills?” I pipe up.
“Trust me.” She winks.
“Trust you? You are the only one who seems to remember we’re related from a past life, and I’ve spent my entire life not trusting a damn soul. You’re going to have to do better than that, sis,” I say and pop my hip as I cross my arms over my chest.
“Good to know I’m not the only one who gets the cynicism at will,” Ardan snorts.
I glare at him. He purses his lips and looks away while trying to hold in a laugh. I’ll deal with him later.
“You know something, I’m going to ignore that because you’ve been like this since the beginning of time,” Lee snorts.
“Stop talking like you know me, Lee. It’s getting annoying.”
“Fine, let’s not talk. I’ll show you I know you,” she says as twin swords appear across her shoulders.
I hold my hands out on instinct and the same axe and shield from the first time I needed to protect myself appear. Lee looks me over and smirks. I glare back at her.
I don’t know Lee well. We have only ever spoken online and a few times since she arrived. I’ve been cautious of her since she revealed she knew about our past lives.
I don’t understand why she didn’t find us sooner. If I had knowledge of my sisters all this time, I would have found themas soon as possible. So yeah, I’m giving her ass side-eye and a ton of attitude.
“I see you’re still using those antiquated things. It’s the twenty-first century, you might want to use something else for your go-to,” she taunts.
“Thanks for the advice, but I think I can handle you with what I’ve got.”
She shrugs and pulls her blades from their sheaths. They sing as she frees them then take a fight stance. I have to admit, this does feel really familiar. I don’t have time to think much about it as she launches in for an attack.
“Tighten up, Billy. Don’t underestimate her,” Ardan coaches.
I duck out of Lee’s reach and turn to bump her in the back with the shield. Not hard enough to hurt her, but a warning. She recovers quickly and comes at me swifter and with more accuracy as if she was just playing with me at first.
I adjust and treat the shield and axe as I would my fists in the boxing ring. Using my magic, I make it so the shield is transparent on my end. It helps, but Lee is skilled just as she said.
“You both need to use your battlefield more wisely. Take advantage of your surroundings,” Reilly says from the sidelines.
“And your speed,” Ardan adds.
Lee and I both adjust. As she boxes me in with her speed, I begin to move more quickly and keep out of the corner she’s forcing me into. I hate to admit she’s right.
This axe and shield aren’t the best weapons. They are only affective in close range combat. Lee’s swords allow her to keep a greater distance.
“What are you doing, Billy?” Ardan growls when I drop my guard and arms midattack.