“In time, you will see how powerful you are and how long your life will be. You will have the power to protect and care for our offspring.
“I have seen your heart. It’s not in you to abandon our children. Nor will I abandon them or you. You can put those fears to rest, Billy. Let me be your safe place.”
Tears fill my eyes. I let my guard down a little more. I knew I was damaged, but I’ve never thought of how damaged I truly am.
That fucking Candido did a number on me. I’m terrified of failing as a mother. So much so, I’ve never thought of having children of my own.
In all honesty, I’ve avoided serious relationships because of it. I want Candido to feel what I felt as a small child. Then I might be able to heal.
The need to avenge my sisters and me grows stronger by the second. That feeling in the pit of my stomach comes to life and begins to pulse. Ardan gets this strange look on his face as the feeling grows.
“What?” I ask.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
“I’m perfect. Thank you again, Ardan. Your words mean a lot to me. I have a lot to think about.”
“Take your time. I’m not rushing you to make any decisions tonight.”
I nod and turn back to the band as I allow my thoughts to work. Children? Can I be a good mom?
“The greatest of our kind have mastered the arts of the trickster. You cannot be a true puppet master without understanding illusions,” my grandfather says in my ear as he walks around me.
We have been at this since I arrived. He hasn’t allowed me to contact anyone back home or to mind-link with Ardan or Kai. I have been frustrated, but I have committed to my training.
“Focus, Amadeus. It is in you. You will tap into great potential, my grandson. Trust me.”
“I am trusting you. I have done all you have asked.”
“You have, but you have not mastered the last task given.”
I sigh and close my eyes. As a merman, I haven’t used magic outside of the normal mermagic. What he is asking of me is outside of my scope of understanding.
I’m still working to harness this power he has asked me to awaken. My grandfather has had millennia to perfect these skills. He is asking me to do the same in a matter of a few months.
“You are too focused on your limitations. Limitations others have set upon you. Dig within, Amadeus. Reach for your power.
“Forget what you have been told. Who you think you should be and what power you think you should wield. Go beyond the expected. Don’t listen to what you’ve been told you can and can’t do,” he coaches.
I allow my body and mind to relax. He’s right; I have been in my head about what I’ve been led to believe I can do. The powers of the merpeople.
I was made to feel like a freak when my other powers began to surface. It was drilled into my head that I shouldn’t be able to do the things I had come to do.
Centering myself, I let all those stigmas go. How could someone without my power tell me how it should work or its limits? Suddenly, my entire being begins to hum. I’m tapping deeper into my powers.
“That’s it,Watashi no mago. My grandson. This task you can achieve.”
I can feel the transformation happen. When I open my eyes, pride fills my chest. I have done it.
“Very good. It is holding,” my grandfather praises. “Come, take a walk with me through your creation.”
I nod and begin to stroll with him. Where we were once standing in his meditation room, we are now walking throughwhat looks like the underwater coral reef I grew up playing in. The gardens of the sea.
“You have questions about why you must master illusions,” he says. It’s not a question.
“Somewhat,” I reply. “I get that I am needed for Intikam’s return, but I don’t understand why we are so focused on my illusion abilities.”