The social workers were getting tired of me. I had been through at least three by that time. Mrs. Perkins was nice; she had been the last one assigned to me, but I didn’t think she was going to be so kind once she found out I ran away.
Mack found me trying to dumpster dive in his cans. He took me into his gym and gave me a sandwich and a soda. I probably shouldn’t have taken either, but I was so hungry, and he gave off good vibes.
I’ve always been able to read the vibes of others. That’s why I ran away. That family was evil, and they were going to hurt me if I stayed.
“Billy,” Mack growls. “Focus. Whatever’s going on in your head, you need to save that for later. Your opponent isn’t going to hesitate to use your distractions against you out there. Keep your guard up and stay focused.”
Carson throws a punch and lands it right on my jaw. I dance back, shocked he was able to land a hit and pissed that I allowed it. Carson grins and begins to move with more swagger as he circles me, looking for another opening.
“You’re going to pay for that,” I hiss.
He shrugs. “If you say so.”
I move in with a combo and land it swiftly. The impact of the blows sounds around the gym, but I don’t get cocky. Carson is a good fighter.
I’m just better. I keep attacking his weak points until I’ve tired him out. However, my mind goes back to my rambling thoughts as I think of last night.
That whole crime scene and arrest were crazy. I’m still trying to figure out how to best submit my report. I don’t want to come off looking crazy.
Then there was my run in with my neighbor. My fine-as-fuck neighbor. That man just looks like he knows how to take care of his woman. I’m even digging the nose ring.
Too bad his club’s name has made its way onto my radar. I think they’re in cahoots with Ricci and his operation. I don’t have any proof yet, but it’s only a matter of time.
My captain can’t block me for forever. I’m going to get to the bottom of this and put Candido Ricci behind bars once and for all.
“Damn it, Billy,” Mack growls as Carson takes advantage of my lack of focus.
“Got you,” Carson breathes in my ear as he holds me in a headlock, his chest heaving against my back.
I curse myself for losing focus and allowing him to best me. This one was mine for the taking. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately.
Carson releases me. I frown and run my forearm across my sweaty forehead. These sessions are to keep me sharp out there in those streets. Failing is unacceptable.
“I’ll treat you to lunch. You can tell me what’s on your mind while we eat,” he offers.
“Nah, I have a ton of shit to do. Maybe next time.”
I don’t miss the disappointment that comes to his face. Carson is handsome, with a great physique. I don’t think Carson has ever seen me as family—at least not like a sister as Mack always wanted.
I know he’s not my blood, but we’ve always been close. We’ve just never been more than friends. Not for his lack of trying.
I’ve been down once or twice to allow him to take myVcard, but something has always stopped it from happening. Freak floods in the bathroom.
Fire alarms going off and setting the sprinkler system off. After the first two times, I figured it was a sign it wasn’t meant to be. I mean, I care about Carson.
He knows that. He also knows I’m not emotionally available. Together, we would never work out.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’m just asexual. I mean, I have no real desire for sex from either gender. I never feel like I’m missing out on anything.
The times I’ve tried to go there have always been botched. There were the times with Carson, then Mike, Lou, Andre, and Vernon. I think I was more concerned with the fact that I’ve never done it instead of actually wanting to do it.
However, once things fell through for whatever reason, I didn’t much care. Sex is more of a curiosity for me. I’m not really pressed to have it.
“Huh?” I say, looking up at Carson.
“Next weekend. Do you want to come on a date with me?”